Deepening Discernment
What truly supports you? What supports your Source essence? Where is the crystalline seed of your being, amidst all of the world’s mycelial filaments?
What does your heart tell you? Are you living from that alignment?
Your true impulsing from Source will not be fear-based. It will not arise from addictions or aversions in your mind. It will often not be convenient for what your egoic self might choose. Most of these vibrations live at subtle levels of the unconscious. And that iceberg is being heaved above the water line by the Source that we each are.
With everything that is purging right now, it can be easy, easier, or tempting to fall in line with distractions.
The lead-up to the Solstice is bursting its light capacity. It is also heaving with what is being displaced. It is forcing us to let our masks, our most dedicated personas, dissolve. Some have had discomfort, or even pain, in the bones of the face. What is typically worn there? Or most cherished masks. This is happening to many of us. As we let go, it passes.
What if everything, every single thing you identify with, is dissolving? Our sense of identity, entitlement, and denied or buried arrogance over what we believe is being challenged {so that we can see it} and obliterated {to set us free}. The more we have let go up to now, the smoother this transition will be. We all have a clean, pure, light line guiding and extending us through this transition. It is by this course we must steer.
Bailing is advised for optimal navigation. Not bailing as in running away, but bailing as in activating our deepest bilge pumps. It is coming up anyway. Why not align and let things flow?
When I asked Source what would be most needed for this blog, I was shown these lines of light, pulling each of us in the direction we most need. There are infinite timelines and trajectories, and it is time for us to choose from the depths of what we are. Or, to let those depths make our most conscious choices.
Some say, “Oh, this is all too much, I’m going to let Source decide.” Fair enough. And what definition of Source is then empowered to make that decision? It is a fair choice, as all choices are. The critical pivot at this time is whether we are choosing consciously or letting the leftovers of what is unconscious make decisions for us.
You will do the right thing, for you. We do tend to do that. Only, perhaps, allow the higher octaves of what is now available to inform your path. The new way will not resemble the old.
I woke from a quick kip the other day feeling rather odd. I realized my body felt different. I could not say how. I felt more embodied, and yet also strange. I recognized that so many of the frequencies that had been hanging out in my field were gone. I was shown what had allowed them to remain for so long.
I recognized the images, the ‘poster-people’ for certain patterns, as they flew past and dissolved. I recognized the patterns that were trying to hold on to some story or other. This all happened in a flash, as our best dissolutions do.
I found myself wondering how new fields might play out. And then, I finally watched Avatar: The Way of Water. When Souce prompts me to view something, usually by presenting it to me three times, to the point where I no longer ignore it, there is always something there. Beautiful CGI. Okay, but it has a rather incomplete storyline. Hmm. Then I watched the ‘Making of’ trailer. Ah. Cameron decided to make something serial like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. {his words} But there was no story that had gone before. THERE WAS NO STORY THAT HAD GONE BEFORE. What a great metaphor. World-building out of pure creative imagination.
When I am given an assignment such as this, I am always asked inwardly, “What character draws you? What do you still find repellent?” In other words, I am shown where my body still holds charged states, and to what she is truly drawn.
Where does your heart lead you, when there is no story that has gone before?
Discernment is the key to traversing the currents of what is being infused into Gaia’s sphere, for the building of new realities, and what is left over from older and, perhaps, our most cherished, stories.
What are you willing to allow, receive, and maybe not have to believe?
Where is your pristine essence, in clarity and constancy?
This is a purity and pristine level of flow. Are you ready?
Infinite love,