Owning All That You Are
What did you come in to transcend, and what are you here to become?
Butterfly? Eagle? Phoenix? Harmonized with the Galactic Butterfly in your own unique and precious way?
Have you felt the deeper purpose of your incarnation lately? This month is an opportunity to do so.
As the old paradigm collapses entirely on the inner planes, we are being drawn out of our old reality constructs and asked to TRUST Source’s design for us and for the world. Not only are we digging deeper into our own habits and systems as the cracks in those patterns show up, but the world around us is simultaneously falling into new configurations of light coding. Will we resist the temptation to see these new light-crystal structures through old lenses of perception? When we do that, it is a bit like pouring dirty water into our diet. And, clean water is so very important just now.
The Full Moon is tomorrow night where I live and on Sunday the 4th for many. It happens at 13 degrees, 17 minutes of Sagittarius. It is an opportunity for transformation, for setting our intent in new ways and new directions.
The gem ally for the full moon is Rainbow Moonstone, and for the Solstice, Labradorite joins in it in support of the celebration. These crystal allies share energetic properties of peace, psychic alignment, {protection}, and transcending chaos into clarity. Moonstone is known to hold deep feminine energies as well. These qualities of nurturing, nourishing, supporting, and cherishing that are rising in the world at this time.
This weekend, the next shift begins, ready or not. Can you not feel the purging {inner purgatory of memories and emotions} and the intense infusion of new light? The full moon alignment opens the way for the Solstice Shift.
We are looking at our deep storage. We may have dream plane scenarios showing up that may not have happened since we were children, or stories that make no logical sense. We may have memories coming up that show us aspects of ourselves we would rather not see or deal with. Or, we may say, “Oh that, I’ve processed that.” Yes. And these are the dormant seed pods of shame, blame, judgment, and even horror our bodies still carry. In other words, we are releasing our limitations and misalignments and transcending the limits of our original agreements for experiencing this incarnation. This is their demise. We are experiencing a planetary beginning of inner maturation and a galactic push through childhood’s end.
All fractals of our experience we have judged are up for reflection and release. Don’t engage the old story bits. Let the new light carry you forward. We are in the process of remembering the breadth and depth of who we truly are. So is Gaia. She is transforming physically in ways that are scientifically measurable. The Earth’s ley lines are increasing in width. Emperor Dragon lines, {type 5 ley lines} are amplifying in energy and grid-bonding. This new fluidly crystalline structure is beginning to re-create the energy lines of this world and of our bodies.
Time in nature is, of course, key to navigating this transition. So is time in Silence with yourself.
Be present with yourself, and Source will find ways to communicate any answer to you at any time. Is it your location or activity that feels ‘off’ or is it something in yourself? go inward first. Let your energies balance. Take responsibility for your vibration, no matter what anyone else is doing.
The blessings of this immense wave and its crossing are infinite.
Happy Full Moon!
Bring it on!