Doing What You Have To Do ~

Is it about choice? Most things seem to be. Emphasis on the ‘seemingly apparent’ qualities of life and living. Is what you truly are, reflected in what seems to be? Only you can answer.

Whenever anyone has said to me, usually as an explanation for why something was done in a certain way, “I didn’t have a choice,” my deceit meters go off the charts. Are they really still lying to themselves at that deep a level? Most do. And most have no idea they are so doing. When one choice seems to keep us trapped and one seems to mean life as we know it will be stolen, die, or be taken from us in some nefarious way, we tend to choose the safety of the lies that bind. That kind of fear is an indicator that we are leaning so hard away from something that we are pulling it toward us at lightspeed.

When we feel fear, it is an indicator. Fear is an emotion, like hunger or thirst. Would you drink from a storm drain if you were “dying of thirst” or might you look around to see if there were another way to slake that need? There is always another way. The dualized either/or of life is fading. This way of defining reality will die, is dying. When we assert, “I want this, I do NOT want that,” we feed the death march of that form of reality. We do not feed what our Essence requires.

We do, indeed, learn from dubious choices, but that cycle has ended. Why play a game whose bits are broken?

I have heard some say, “Well, we have duality, not polarity,” or, conversely, “we have polarity here, we don’t need a dualistic mindset.” Who is right? I posit this: who cares? Right and wrong is an either/or construct you no longer need as part of yours.

Truth: In every moment, there is always an optimal choice. A choice for you, made through your heart.

There is always an unseen path, or way, or current. And, true, some will get you dead, or will seem to lead down that road… There’s that ‘seem’ word again. Some decisions, commitments, etc., seem to be dangerous or to lead to dead-ends. Some even feel that way. Some have us second-guessing faster than we can dance. Is fear keeping you immersed in some Last Tango? Nice if it’s in Paris… or is it? Funny, the words, the sayings, the expressions we take for granted.

Fear and love cannot exist in the same vibrational space. This can feel tricky when our bodies hold fear and our awareness may not. Let Source soothe the body. Know that the mind is providing what data it has available, nothing more. And we now need more.

Knowing what you have to do, what is right for you, is not a choice. It is an embodiment. Don’t second guess your Source Essence.

When we second-guess, we are doubting what moves through us. Doubt breeds a deep need for hope. Hope feels better, so even within doubt there are seeds and threads of light. I find that both doubt and hope are the mind’s paltry substitutes for Trust and Certainty. Trust in Source, as unconditionally as we can manage. Certainty that this trust, even when we choose it in the face of all of life’s whatevers, is our best step in any direction.

This year there will be many directions, many dimensions. It is a transit of popcorn-like explosions. One here. One there. And then, the whole pan explodes into action in response to things heating up…Not as a whole, as individuated kernels of deliciousness, each in its own timing. I like the analogy. Do you remember when we had to dial p-o-p-c-o-r-n to know what time it was? “OMG the time changed, I have to find out what time it is, what is real…” This is like that. Are you grinning yet? Our digital devices have been conveniently programmed to now make this call. Interesting. Will they make our calls as well? Will we let them? What does your Essence have to say about this?

Doing what you have to do is not a choice. It is who/what you are. You know by how it feels. Take a breath. Take the step. You know what you have to do. A another infamous saying reads, “Just do it!” You are learning how to fly.

I leave you with a favorite poem by Mary Oliver. A friend sent me this when I was in physical recovery from the stroke I experienced in 2009. No saving, no rescuing, a helping hand, and words I needed to hear, exactly when I most needed to hear them.

If I was going to have a headstone, or an epitaph, or any of those alleged end-of-life markers, I aspire to having earned these words:
”She did what she had to do.” No excuses. No looking back.

The Journey

One day you finally knew
what you had to do, and began,
though the voices around you
kept shouting
their bad advice --
though the whole house
began to tremble
and you felt the old tug
at your ankles.
"Mend my life!"
each voice cried.
But you didn't stop.
You knew what you had to do,
though the wind pried
with its stiff fingers
at the very foundations,
though their melancholy
was terrible.
It was already late
enough, and a wild night,
and the road full of fallen
branches and stones.
But little by little,
as you left their voices behind,
the stars began to burn
through the sheets of clouds,
and there was a new voice
which you slowly
recognized as your own,
that kept you company
as you strode deeper and deeper
into the world,
determined to do
the only thing you could do --
determined to save
the only life you could save.” ― Mary Oliver

Happy first week of a new calendar, and the first full moon of a transit of Nurturing.
Infinite love ~


Each Step is Your Own

