
The present moment is all that is real in terms of your experience. We’ve all heard this a bazillion times, yes? And, we know that part of what makes this perspective challenging is that life on this world distracts and distorts everything into an alleged linear reality. What if the ultimate challenge is to experience each moment of life with/as our full Presence, and to engage with only what lifts our hearts? We’ve heard that before as well, right?

Let’s shift our lens of perception just for NOW. Right. Now. Try this and observe what happens in your bodies and your field.

“I surrender unconditionally into what my Source Essence is and requires. “ You’ll notice the full stop at the end of that statement. The “Yabbit,” the “But-but-bird,” and the “Pooh-pooh monster” have no place in this exercise nor any invitation to the conversation. This is the level of trust we are learning.

Nurture the Oneness Within

What we perceive as a new year, 2023 for the purposes of this writing, is a cycle of emerging and up-welling Nurturing. In most spiritual traditions we have spent so much time, lifetimes even, in sleuthing out what is ‘wrong’ with us and what needs to shift so that we can become something we think we ought to be. I’ve said and written this many times…

The. Self-Condemnation. Cycle. Is. Over.

Someone recently exclaimed to me, “It’s not about egoic dissolution!” Well… words are funny things. They absolutely move energy, so one must, I find, be precise with the energy of words. I am currently re-writing the descriptions of most of the offerings on my website so that said words reflect more of Source’s currency. But I digress.

Here is where that individual {that statement} and I don’t actually differ, but it might seem as though we do. If “egoic dissolution” is defined in terms of self-condemnation and self-correction, having to “get rid” of something, or “fix” something, then, yes, “It” was never about that. Most people misunderstand.

Every technique for dissolving our false identities is to allow us to realize what we truly are and, ultimately, to be it.

Some traditions call it the clear light of reality, or Nirvana, or Enlightenment, Presence, Source Essence, or, less spiritually framed, Pure Love. There is no “wrong” way of addressing the truth within us. Source doesn’t care by what name She is called. There Nalini goes again, using the feminine pronoun. Yep. For this time, absolutely. We have entered Her Great Reckoning. And, it’s … so totally and unconditionally amazing that words fail me… so, of course, I have written some.

The point of anything called “spirituality” is to move from living through the mind to living through the heart. Duh. The point of everything, is to make what is currently understood as a quantum leap, a relaxing into, TRUTH. This means releasing all identities - even our favorite ones… NOT by hitting the delete button. I used to think that, too.

This is surrendering into, to use a fun metaphor, Source’s dry cleaning shoppe. She has an Infinite rotating rack of stage sets, roles, props, costumes, and parts we can play with, as the Presence that we are. The real waking-up game is to let go of trying to pin the role/costume/anything onto ourselves, and to let Source flow through us, each and every moment of each and every breath of our lives, as what best expresses our Source Essence in that moment.

This is what true surrender becomes, as we drop our silly sense of self-importance, trading it in for Source’s magnificence. It’s a much better fit and a heaven of a lot more fun!

I invite you to join me in the coming year, or, better still, join the Source that you are, in Nurturing the Oneness Within.

NOW is all there is. Life gets pretty amazing when all your NOWs turn into WOWs.

Infinite love…


Doing What You Have To Do ~


Solstice Shifting