Each Step is Your Own

Each step on our journey is made by one pair of feet and one pair only, our own. We came here to learn the truth of this. And, now that the entire reality construct we have known is being replaced, we will learn to walk and climb and dance and journey, anew.

How conversant are you with navigating the Unknown? We are all learning. The games have changed. For some of us, this shift uncovers memories of how such shifting occurs. Our bodies remember this form of navigation, even as we learn to walk in new ways, in physical bodies unused to the adventure. Every day brings new ways to step into new forms of being.

The more we can let go into this flow, the better, the smoother, the more fun our ride will be.

With each jewel of shifted perspective, we integrate more and more. The Pearl essence of this past full moon is a new construct, like the white-space in the Matrix films. Our new timelines and trajectories will spring from this well. This is a new foundation, from which all new realities will grow. Will these, then, be swept away? Perhaps. Our minds do not know. What is certain is that we must trust the deep certainties unfolding from within.

Currently, the reality bubbles most live within are held together like Japanese fishing floats, kept from straying by a large, strong, net. What has been typical, is that Source gathers us in at the termination of any lifeline or lifetime, protecting and projecting our forward evolution as we have cast it out to be. As emanations of Source, in this life, we are being trained to understand this process and to gather our own nets, so to speak. As of the Equinox in March, or so, that original, communal net will have melted away. Each bubble will find its own currents. Our timelines and trajectories will flow with these energies. It is so. It cannot help but be so. It is changing everything.

If something does not feel optimal, release it. The pearl of great price, beloveds, is your unique and precious Source Essence. And, with this past Full Moon, it has been upgraded into higher frequencies. Here, new arrays of potential and probability thrive. Our conditioned minds have no idea what might be possible. Source always knows. As we release any and all arrangements, agreements, and contracts for separation at any level, we become that knowing. We learn, by immersion, to live from that lovely, luminous Source within.

Sometimes we are helped by one who has gone before… reflecting the part of ourselves that can do and has done the same. The part of our Essence that Has This.

It is my gift and pleasure to assist, even as my own remembering deepens and yours does the same. When you need a hand up, Source is always there.

Infinite love, {immerse deeply}


Integrating the Pearl


Doing What You Have To Do ~