Don’t Buy Into the ‘Nothing’

What realities will we choose to inhabit? It’s time to discover new dreams.

As old identities fade, dissolve, or are stripped away, we can feel lost or alone. When the feelings our bodies have counted on for decades fall away, the patterns they once supported may try anything and everything to stay.

I am observing patterns of all sorts, including ancestral programs, rearing up to keep themselves in play. When this happens, the human mind will reach for its tendencies and habits of behavior. This is beginning to play out as situations and circumstances that force us to grieve, or to confront fears or annoyances we may not have been aware we still carry.

Our bodies are miraculous manifestations and know what will grab our attention. And, as our immediate environments are extensions of the energetic patterns running in our physical bodies, things can often play out through what is around us, especially through what we love.

One of the questions I have learned to ask of Source is, “Is this an attachment that only has value to my mind or an outdated program, or is this truly love? And, if it is real love {the heart always knows}, then show me the upgraded or higher frequency shift needed.” Whenever something is uncomfortable, especially when it lands in our immediate field or face, the Source Essence that is grounded in our bodies is always trying to communicate. Your heart will find its own expression for querying, of course.

As the outdated dissolves, it is easy to fall into a grief cycle, especially when what falls away is something beloved. We must now learn to live the love and let the form of that love go. This has always been the tech behind detachment. Deep connection with life through a loving heart {as we tend to describe this} is necessary to evolve with our chosen planetary guide. If we remain aloof and detached and do not acknowledge the love that moves through us and that we are, we are just as guilty of feeding the old cycle as those who perpetuate it. In other words, it is just as easy to let ‘the Nothing’ grab us from a place of spiritual superiority and bypassing as it is to wallow in worshiping our wounding.

In the original film, The Neverending Story, the young boy who ends up being the protagonist battles the ‘Nothing’ and saves Fantasia by daring to dream. Though the Great Mother works through us differently, there is a lesson here that is both moving through completion and birthing new beginnings from within us. What are we allowing as intake through our thought patterns and our dreams?

Most of the human collective is still in ‘worshipful wounded’ mode. “Something outside of me needs to come sweeping in to save me… or, if I am good enough or do this ‘right,’ I will earn my freedom.” And we need not judge but realize that this is where much learning is needed. The Great Mother is rising to soothe and comfort the currents of despair without ever diving in. She is lifting us and carrying us into another way of being. She is the Grace of nurturing, nourishment, acknowledgment, acceptance, support, and cherishing. She moves through us, as us.

Does this mean we have to flood the world with these attributes? Truth: We all ladle light as our hearts are uplifted by the ladling. There is no right way, but that which first lifts us up.

As the Beatles put it, “There is no one you can save that can’t be saved.” Feel into that. It is Source that does any lifting up so that any being no longer vibrates in lack or victim consciousness, is not worshiping a wounded state, and is free.

You. Are. Not. Lost. As Source’s embodiment, how could that ever be?

The current tide is one of living light. Discernment, balance, and grounding are needed keys to ride its waves. As we surrender into the new learning immersion, we shift with the tide.

Don’t buy into ‘the Nothing.’ This, too, shall pass ~ as the illusion it represents is lifted. We can walk a{new} way.

~ Infinite love ~


When Transformation Quickens


Happy Solstice