Doorways, Portals & Alignment, Oh My!
The month of June has contained a grand pivot point, one we will not find in any particular astrological or other symbology, but within each and all of us. It affects, most directly, how we choose to align with Source, as Source.
Doorways and Portals are a product of alignment.
Gaia, herself, is pivoting. At the deepest and highest levels, this is a Mother Sorting Hat, sieving for frequencies of loving sustainability. From what is not that, Gaia withdraws her focus. What is focused upon becomes. What is ignored rots away. Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that, absolutely, with his experiments on rice and water. We are now part of Gaia’s grand design in “Manifestation 101,” how humanity reaps the consequences of what a mess it has made… or, in other terms, the Great Cosmic Cleanup. And grand, it is.
We might ask, with regard to withdrawing focus, “When has ignoring a mess ever made it go away?” True enough, in our daily lives. Is it too late to look inward at our remaining inner landfill and do something about it? Or, is there another way? Is there a way out, or through? How do openings play into this? How might alignment change things? We must shift our focus into our choices. N.O.W.
Gateways into the Infinite begin through the heart at this time, on this world. Why? It is “patriarchal” dominance and control that must first be shed as Gaia, and we, transition. The gateway into love and freedom, in male form, is through the heart. As we all run masculine energies as well as feminine, this applies to every one of us. The first doorway to enlightenment, freedom, Source embodiment, or whatever you long for, is through a healthily, sustainably, opened heart. As only ‘men’ were educated, or even taught to read, for much of the last phase of this Kali-Yuga, the Great Mother’s way has been largely ignored. It was not time. We were not ready. That focus has changed. Our hearts must become whole, activated, and healthy.
What is an unhealthy heart? I operated with one for years and can speak to this with great authority and, thankfully, no more shame. When the heart is tipped out of alignment and pours out its resources unreservedly to all and sundry, this is not healthy. It is not ‘spiritual,’ it is obsessively naive and drains life force in an unsustainable and life-threatening way. We are part of the ground of being, yes. We are all remembering our Oneness, yes. And it is time for our spiritual delusions to dissolve completely away.
We are not supposed to pour the love that we are out in every direction, dimension, and to every ‘other’ being. That is, if you will pardon me, non-resonant idiocy. I should know. My body almost died twice. If I’m honest, my physical body almost ‘died’ at the hands of what I was programmed to act out as right and true and appropriate and ‘spiritual.’. What was lacking was appropriate discernment.
Appropriate discernment allows Source to open and reveal doorways and gateways which are resonant with what we are, first and foremost, and what will harmonize most beneficially with the flow of our own Source Essence.
As fractals of Source, we are equal in essence and in value, and diversely differentiated in function and alignment. Let that sink in. Please.
The first doorway is through the heart. Many perceive this domain as Christ Consciousness. It is as good a label as any. It is the balancing point, the Source of balancing energies for all that seeks to control. It is a surrender into Love. This is crucial for all of our physical bodies, and especially so for our so-called male essence. And, it is not a graduation. Like a first black belt, or undergraduate degree, Heart Essence is a beginning. It is where, with practiced surrender, we shift from becoming into being.
What opens through each Solstice, Equinox, and cross quarter alignment within Gaia’s aura, is the womb of the Great Mother, the essence of the multidimensional ‘feminine,’ or creative flow {power}. Why use the term womb? Any gestational crucible is so named on this world. One could use the term cocoon or chrysalis or luminous egg, but the essence is the same. Being is, at once, an Infinite embrace, simultaneously allowing and letting go. There is no receiving without this release. Gaia now traverses these birth waters.
There exists a need for priestess energies…regardless of your bodysuit. These are energies that lovingly embrace all life with precise discernment as to what is sacred and holy for each and every particle. They not only nurture, nourish, acknowledge, accept, support and cherish creation, but defend and protect it as well. Think Mother Bear or Lion, protecting her cubs, or Kali slaying only illusion and ego so that truth may thrive and flourish.
Where is the current pivot point impacting your physical body? Hint: Ask. Your. Body. One of the most ancient forms of communication is dreaming through the body, dreaming an ancient future, in which we are home.
We have all learned the seven chakra system, or the twelve, regarding energy centers, or cosmic openings, in our bodies. There is another system that I often find more helpful during intense transition.
In the Eastern traditions, the dan tien are, in the main, threefold. One energy center encompasses the head, one rests at the heart or thoracic area, and one, the ‘lower dan tien,’ in the belly. This third center, in women’s bodies, contains what can be a toxic elixir of our wisdom and our miasms of programmed fear and angst. To this elixir we are often unknowingly addicted. These miasms, or energetic ‘clouds,’ are part of what must purge, for a balance of power to be embodied. Power itself is not toxic. It is divine flow.
Embodiment is why we are here. Not only to ‘inhabit’ a physical body, but to bring the full complement of our Source Essence here, home, and to function from those frequencies.
As the heart balances, the creative center clears, and its power intensifies, we become the ‘future’ we dream into being.
The new earth, new world, new realities, higher frequencies, exist within us… within YOU. What will you love, support and nourish? What have you become? What are you N.O.W. {nourishing the Oneness Within} here to Be?
In loving alignment, Happy New Moon!!!