Embodied Empowerment for Starstreams
What does this mean, and what’s love got to do with it?
Love is the antidote to all that is non-inclusive. It Is the Unity that dissolves Duality by embracing all sides of every equation. It is the primary flow of Creative Essence that allows integration and expansion to take place. As we accept and include more flavours of experience within us, we embody more and more of what Is. Empowered Embodiment begins with us.
As starstreams, beings who are aware of our transitory and ever-changing natures, we often see many perspectives simultaneously. It makes us excellent mediators and negotiators. And, our chameleon-like configurations give us the ability to thrive in extremely diverse circumstances. We naturally gravitate to the highest frequencies in any situation and amplify them. While the circumstances are not always pleasant, we shift them with our presence.
We, the wayshowers, the emissaries of higher and more expanded awareness, are shifting the embodiment paradigm simply by being. Many starstreams still don’t know who they are. They have not yet recognized the truth of their inner integrity, which does not lie in any fixed identity, alignment, or position. This self-realization is coming. For some, it has already arrived. We are the harbingers of Embodied Empowerment.
The inner work begins with a thought. First, we change our thinking. Then, our emotions begin to align with our new thought patterns and habits of behavior. Our brains begin to re-wire. As this happens, and we listen deeply to our physical bodies, we learn where our imprinted and conditioned patterns have been enmeshed and entrenched and operating for us in spite of what we truly are. We learn to let go at deeper and deeper levels. This is the awareness of inner trail maintenance we model for one another and mirror to the collective.
The cycle of denying and disparaging all that we are is over. It is time to honor our bodies as the miracles they are and to remember our lineages of light.
Try this on and see how it makes you feel:
It’s okay for me to be what I AM. It’s okay for me to have, experience, and enjoy what I love.
As we embrace, include, and integrate what we love, we self-realize at multi-dimensional levels. Ah, that feels good. This brings relief. This feels natural to me. Our true essence replaces all that we have embraced out of survival fears, a desire for safety, or out of sheer desperation to stay under the radar of a world we don’t understand.
I once said to Source that, even though my awareness is now unconditionally surrendered into Hers, I still do not understand so much of what goes on here. Her answer was, “You never will.” It was the equivalent of “Get over yourself,” in the kindest and most loving way. I used to believe I incarnated here to understand why any being would choose a world of torture, self-sacrifice, or perpetrating those patterns. I thought it was my job to forgive any and all of that, with the understanding that it was all part of me. That wasn’t so. That was the K class. The structures I misunderstood as atonement agendas were actually plots to dive in and ‘light ’em up,’ by whatever means necessary. And, naturally, the optimal course is to do so by forgiving, integrating, and expanding that vibrational space into the pure light of awareness. The dharma khaya to which we all belong.
As we know ourselves more and more, what we used to believe, as well as the intensity of what we feel here, becomes funnier and funnier.
Have you looked in this mirror lately?
Last night I watched a film that wasn’t what I thought it would be. I wasn’t paying enough attention to the trailer. Metaphor, anyone? What I erroneously identified as a marine biology film turned out to be a cross between Jaws and Sharknado. At one point, as a member of the ensemble cast was in the middle of an inspirational rant, he was grabbed from behind by a huge shark, leaping out of what should have been a quiet pool. My body startled and squealed “like a girl.” To my knowledge, I’ve never had that reaction before in this life. The sound that came out of my body, and the intensity of what I felt made me laugh out loud. Hilarious! The cast scrambled for safety, to the swells of dramatically intense music, as I laughed and laughed and laughed.
It’s time to recall our cosmic perspective and the humor it delivers. The vast emotional range on this planet can be assaultively deafening to beings accustomed to gentler, more supportive energies. Yet, that’s part of why we came. Learning to surf tsunamis has given us a view from the top of the wave. That’s a sweet spot worth learning about!
As the turbulence continues, and it will for some time to come, remember to find the sweet spot within every wave. Re-member your fire dancing abilities. Some you ignite. Some you dance past, some you quell. And it all happens internally. Start there. And, remember…
“It’s more than okay for me to experience and have what I love.”
I published an essay on how the inner work is changing today, entitled Why Enlightenment is Not A Luxury. It is meant for a different audience but is no less applicable to you.
Blessed are the Light-Bringers. For they shall refuse to inherit what does not serve. Be the love that you are!
My Love to you!
Originally published on Goddess Portal Support Aug 5, 2021.