Enter the Stillness

The most infamous film by/with Bruce Lee is entitled Enter the Dragon. Having done so, last October, I can report that its integration has shifted up by octaves. Entering the dragon, that is.

What is this new realm of the heart? I am, at present, allowing it to permeate my essence and discover its expression as Source, through the fractal that ‘I’ represent.

What is it to be swallowed by the heart of a dragon? How is that at all comprehensible in our so-called modern age?

Enfolded and embraced were the feeling states at that time. Absorbed therein. Lit up in the belly of the essence of golden, life-giving, light.

The feeling, this morning, reminds me of the sensations of lifting out of my body, post-stroke, in 2009. Quiet. Peaceful. Similar to my fourth awakening, with no attraction patterns or charged energy states of any kind, anywhere. Only this, it seems, is wanting full cellular integration. So. Still. So. Luminous. Entirely. Lovely.

Have you experienced the delicious pause of no-mind chatter? None at all? I can highly recommend it. the relief is simultaneously uplifting and overwhelming to minds tuned to constant broadcast. Relief tends to win out., especially if one listens to the body.

A friend reported that the cresting energy of the Solstice’s exact alignment seemed to ebb afterward as if to say that it might recede for the next six months. I am feeling a slight ebb, to be sure. Only, it is an ebb of settling and assimilating rather than receding. The wave has landed where the wave has landed. It is not going anywhere other than more and deeper. The experience will be unique to each of us, of course.

As some of you are aware, I take a few days over each Solstice and Equinox to be still, to dissolve into whatever might be asked of me, as I embody the opening. This Solstice wave asks us all, “What are you asking of yourself? Is it reasonable, considering all things have changed? Are you ready to stand and meet yourself at higher octaves of being, responsibility, and creativity?” These introspective queries are like smooth stones, dropped into the pool of being. they ripple out into the cosmos. Then the returning ripples bring us the blessings we require.

What are you open to receiving?

As the peak of the resting wave carries us, we can choose to make the time to relax and bask in its embrace. How does one persist and/or persevere in letting go? Are these not diametrically opposed doings? Answers lie in Stillness. Always.

May each blessing support and carry you as you become more of what you are.


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