Feeling a Little ‘Swimmy?’

The new moon formed yesterday in the sign of Capricorn. This is a zodiac sign of inner and outer practicalities. It can help to utilize the window of the day before through the day after to pay attention to feelings. Our daystar, the Sun, is about 400 times the size of the satellite we call the Moon. A useful analogy is that the Sun represents our identity, the Moon our true feelings, reflected back to us. Feelings are rarely synonymous with emotions. Most bipeds have been badly educated in this area and tend to let emotions run the show.

A new moon entices us to spend some time in the realm of feeling. What impulses from our Source Essence are nudging us along? How might those nudges encourage us to ground in new ways?

This new moon is a powerful influence, guiding us into the flows of grounding energy that will function most efficiently through a turbulent time. In a tsunami situation, would you feel better being in the kelp bed, tethered to the seabed, about to be ground into oblivion, or would it feel better to stabilize within the wave?

Our identities as particles are dissolving. Why not be your waveform? How? Drop into that feeling. Become part of the tides that create worlds.

At times this can be physically dizzying. Bodies are used to an intimate relationship with gravity called ‘vertical.’ Fish might seem to have an advantage in this turbulence. Even more subject to pressure than biped bodies, their physiology is also well aware of the support these pressures provide. Earth physics aligns with the premise that the greatest flow density determines direction. When you find the feeling of greatest flow density, you find your current within any wave.

2024 is all about the waves. Ask those on the beach in Ventura County. What a great example!

When one identifies with any position, especially a fixed one, as in standing still, and one sees an onrushing wave, what is the best course? Trying to keep your head out of water can smash you into the sea floor backward. At the very least, you can be unceremoniously tumbled. That may be exactly what the identity in question needs most. Wave-savvy beings learn to duck-dive. That is to say, these beings learn to dive into the wave and pop out the other side.

Then again, if one has become the wave and dropped the identity of any other thing identifying itself as not the wave, the adventurer morphs completely.

I love the dragon character, Sisu, from the Disney animation film Raya and the Last Dragon. Her talent, by her own admission, is being “a really good swimmer.” The undulating forms of Eastern dragons seem well suited to the task. I find that the more stolid forms of Celtic dragons morph just as easily when so encouraged.

Feeling dizzyish and a little ‘swimmy?’ Let go into the flow. You do not need to be a vertical peg on this planet. You have a wave-self. Maybe try it on, and not only for size. ;)

Much love and happy flowing. If you are feeling un-grounded, water helps. In what will be an air and fire ‘year,’ water definitely helps.

Joy in flow! XO


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