A New Page Awaits

Writers talk about writer’s block. They compare notes about what it takes to set free the flow, to let the Muse catch up, or to catch up with her, or to open the right set of ears to listen. Such thoughts turn a blank page into a scary thing, a territory that must be conquered. What if this undiscovered country was waiting for us to listen? What if our ears could learn to hear?

A new calendar year begins as a blank page if we let it. No massive wave of intentions needs to be released. What if every page in the Book of Life could be unscripted? What if it already is? What if every story simply rests dormant until receptive ears, hearts, and hands stand ready? Are you ready?

Mary Oliver famously wrote, “Tell me, what will you do with your one wild and precious life?” What a wonderful reminder that this life is wild and precious and worth the most attentive ears we can use to hear. Fully attuned to the Essence that moves us and moves through us, we live our wild, precocious, and precious Presence as best we are able. No one knows what comes next. However, you designed and entered into this life. What stories do you want to read, write, or tell? It’s time to get on with it. Time, the great creator of experience, waits for no one, nor does it bind anyone. Are you listening to its ever-present ticking or to the voice of your freedom? Know that you are well able.

Being ready and/or willing can be a challenge. Not ready or not willing or both or all three are the frequencies of any block, stasis, or inwardly scripted obstacle. We script these entanglements as lessons. This is where the mixed messages of a mixed bag of vibrations produce mixed results. When is a blank page, not a blank page? When we know how to read between the non-existent lines.

Radical ripples, currents, and tides are already upon us. Their wisdom stories live within immersion. What wisdom tale are you here to share? What will come of this latest immersion? What if the GREAT FUN is in finding out?

Are you ready to listen as you open to new learning? Are you willing to breathe joy with every breath? What might that be like?

Let’s find ‘out’ together. The only way ‘out’ is through. Isn’t it hilarious when clichés come to pass?

Join me for a laugh, and pass the popcorn!
~ Infinite love


Feeling a Little ‘Swimmy?’


Out of Chaos