Let’s Talk Trust…and Stuff We Don’t Want to Own…
She looks peaceful, blissed out, just who and what and perhaps where we want to be, right? But what about the sharks?
Fact: There is a hidden shark tank within each of our personality patterns…until there isn’t. Maybe shark-free never happens on this world. Maybe, instead of fearing and battling a prehistoric fish, we understand that the cold-blooded ‘perfect predator’ is one of the mind’s games.
Do these predators exist? Not only sharks but all things we fear? They appear to do so. I have witnessed sharks in various seas, most of whom were happily hunting and harmless to the human body I now inhabit. Yes, I had a few nightmares after seeing the first Jaws film in a 70mm theatre. They passed. Mother always, and I do mean always, said “Why would you put those things into your consciousness? Your mind will play games with that!” Of course, she was right, and, of course, at the time, my young self wanted to go to the movies with the cute neighbor guy who was Mr. Popular and would never have dated me. Our mothers were kinda-sorta friends and, my parents having just moved house again, I had none in the area. Blah blah blah. The guy was a dish. It was a gang thing, not a date. I went. Silly rabbit.
The aircon was out in the theatre, in a midwestern summer, and truth be told, I was probably more afraid of sweating all over ‘the guy’ than of the film. Its writers planned suspense and shock well. Waking up from a nightmare whose contents held a devouring maw at the end of my bed was something my mind copied badly. I had not yet learned the lucid dreaming techniques that would have dismantled the image.
Is the woman in the image above ignoring deeper fears? If she were, would they sink her?
This week has been a tough one for re-surfacing images that want sorting. Some of these images, or fear games, may seem to have been haunting us all our lives. Why have we let them? Because our physiology was programmed to do so. What does one ‘do’ about that? The real answer is that we shift into an entirely different vibration. The next question, from most, is inevitably ‘how?’
Yesterday, given the horrorfest on the planet, and an upcoming set of circumstances I need to navigate, was a challenging day. That is to say, I was surrounded by a pigpen-like mist of gnarly. Knowing that, even if it was projected by me, it wasn’t me did not make it go away. Of course, I wanted it to go away! Grrf! And, What finally allowed the energies to dissipate was not deep meditation, which helped, or any kind of mental analysis, which gets in the way just now, but deep surrender. “Okay, these feelings are swirling around me. Whether they are mine or not, I am swimming in a shark tank and my mind wants to defend.” ~ NO ~
“What is the source, the root cause of this maelstrom?” One might assume fear, as this kind of fury is its child. Let’s sit still now and let the body show us. Fear of what? And there it was, a well of pain, of deep physical-emotional hurt. Hurt for being the being that I am.
What does a child do with that? A well or box or bubble forms, which is then self-protectively sealed off.
We are no longer those children. And yet, we need to cherish that sensitive, misunderstood child. Resolution has little to do with forgiving the ‘others,’ the ‘perpetrators,’ and everything to do with allowing ourselves to be what we are… matured now. Does maturity soothe the hurt? Rarely. Do we even know what spiritual maturity might be? Most have no clue. I freely admit I am learning.
What if that girl, sitting in a lotus position, has acquired some skills, yes. What if she holds a lot of light, and is sitting on a shark’s back?
Or maybe not. Maybe she has found a sliver of “purrrfect” awareness. Those slivers are fun. They’re blissful. Let’s put those into our consciousness instead of adrenalin-heavy drama.
Here’s the thing about those slivers. They are also illusions. They do not last. Only the clear light, also known as divine love, sustainably supports life and living.
Human spirituality teaches us that it is ‘known’ what the clear light and/or divine love are, and we can ‘attain’ those states if we only work hard enough. There have been beings, throughout the centuries of our stories, who have become… not other than human. That is not possible in one of these bodies. Those ‘masters,’ ‘guides,’ and ‘enlightened ones,’ have become more light, more of what we all truly are.
How? Well, that is up to each of us, is it not? We all have our illusions to create, as children, then break down, as allegedly maturing beings. How’s that going?
I can report that the flow is challenging some days. I like riding rapids, so, even on the most challenging and exhausting days. I trust that Source is the river, the rocks, the rapids, and the raft. And me, especially when I only use the paddle to steer, and let Source do that through me. The ride can smooth out, even in the most challenging twists and turns. What it takes is trust.
I am frequently asked, “Why can’t I trust?” There is only one answer. You haven’t let go. No fault. No blame. No shame.
Just be it. There are many methods, as many as there are teachers, and then some. Trusting Source is the only way.
Infinite love,