Full Cellular Conversion
What happens when a new experience of physicality emerges through an existing body? Gaia knows. It has happened to her. I know. it is happening to me. And, this same morph is occurring for you. I can report that a total morph from the inside out is a weirdly wondrous experience, perhaps only to be found on this world. On worlds where shapeshifting is not only known but common, the experience of morphing into and from the light body can be taken for granted. Is that beginning to happen here, or is this passage only crazy-making?
There is certainly much crazy flying around. There is also an ocean of grief. Some of us have processed through our individuated seas of what can seem like endless sadness. Some of us have had to learn not to let others’ seas engulf our lives and our sanity. There is a world of crazy ‘out there’ right now. Our only responsibility is to let Source nurture the welling within. If anything still pulls at our heartstrings with regard to those we would not leave behind, now is the time to let go.
There is no ‘behind’ to shelter anything that resists the change. All choices are honored. All lives are supported and cherished. It is our saviour complexes, our rescue missions, and our tendency to over-care, over-give, and over-think for others that are being washed away. We are within the close of the water rabbit cycle. Here come the floods!
Have you found yourself feeling an impulse to weep for no apparent reason? ~ #metoo ~ So much grief, so little time! {Ha!} Where there is a willing conduit, the grief will flow. This form of service needs to change. Rather than grounding the purge like an acupuncture needle or phurba, we better embody the shift when we embody love, peace, and joy. It is a quick and subtle shift from one set of circuitry to another that better suits us and this cycle. Higher vibrations have already infused the foundation of consciousness needed for a thorough and radical shift. The time for these infusions to ground has arrived. Higher octaves of conscious awareness matter to Gaia and are manifesting.
The more empathic we are, the more we feel the collective, the more we need to allow that configuration to morph. This conversion is total. There is no going back. In a wholistic re-configuration, where might ‘back’ be, exactly?
Last night, I found myself weeping again. I laughed at myself as the tears flowed. I was cellularly immersed in the unfathomable beauty of this world. So beautiful! So wondrous! Tears of wonder mixed with tears of remorse. Look what we’ve done! Well, who is ‘we’? With what obsolete structure was that thought aligned?
Gaia, of course, was having none of it and reminded me of the time, many years ago, when I asked her about Atlantis. I had been processing the third ‘fall’ of Atlantis, wondering why human bipeds never seem to learn, and bemoaning being ‘stuck’ in this fourth immersion. It had become funny, thank goodness! Laughter in such cases is always good. It shakes one out of the delusion du jour. She then said to me, “Tummy tuck!” Her experience of what I had perceived as a tragedy was more like a cosmetic alteration. Little human lives had not affected her much at all. And so, it goes.
What an incredible hostess and instructor Gaia has been. It boggles the mind, as it is likely meant to do. The more impressed one is with one’s perceptions, the tougher the task at hand. Hand? Foot? Face? There are certainly many faceplants occurring.
Next week, the inner ride smoothes a bit. It will not be less intense. This I am promised. But, as our light codes lead the way, we will find ourselves immersed in our most compatible waves.
It’s snowing today. Thank goodness! The land is thirsty. My body is, as well. Thirsty for the pure, crystalline infusion of clear light that flows through each of us if we so choose.
May we continue to choose well and wisely and en-JOY our world.