“This Permeates Everything”
See all those little darker bits? Are they ‘darker,’ or do they have greater material density? Is there an either/or that can be realistically applied? Do you feel the light behind the image? Behind all images? ALL of our mirrors are surfacing in Gaia’s current completion phase. These mirrors are not only showing up as random reflections but are marching through each facet of awareness we might possess.
Welcome to freefall in new light, as new light. What does obligation have to do with these reflections? Everything. What does forgiveness have to do with what is happening? Everything and nothing. What lies beyond forgiveness? Realms of compassion, understanding, and comprehension of the root cause of all behaviors and acting out. What does not live in these realms is tolerance of vibrations that cannot thrive therein. Infinite patience and zero tolerance, the latter of which is simply Source’s sorting hat, exist quite happily together.
As one moves through the heart gateway, another awareness takes over. It is not about one dimension or another. This awareness contains no either/or. Before this gets preachy, let me give an example of how this might play out for any of us.
When a human ego does not want to deal with something, it projects. Fact. So, to use a silly example, some of us may remember an advertisement where older children give a new cereal to their baby brother to see if he will like it. “Give it to Mikey. He hates everything.” In other words, let someone else be the gauge by which we decide. We don’t want to have an unpleasant experience or to take responsibility for an experience. A silly example, sure. And something most personalities do unconsciously every single day.
This past week, all kinds of family-of-origin issues were played out in every possible mirror. Medical and/or geriatric care were featured in many of them. I suppose it’s that time in the incarnation. These issues bring up where our bodies hold onto old patterns and where we can let go. For example, my brother forwarded me a voicemail from a family member with whom I have not interacted for 18 years. I listened. Normally, I would not. Through the victim treadmill came a thread of what sounded like sanity. Hmm. What ensued brought up every issue my body has had with delusional realities, irrational behavior, and meanness. I witnessed the horrors move through my physical-emotional-psychic bodies.
Many patterns came up all at once. I am certain others are experiencing this right now as it comes up in sessions, or I would not ‘out’ this process. A benign piece of what went on is that when one of my family members is embroiled in a family issue, they call me “Mary.” My father always does because Nalini is sort of beyond him at this point. Mary is my given name, and he was the Giver. The pattern has its amusing moments. I honestly don’t care, one way or another. Most family members are blithely unaware when this happens. My youngest sister notices, sometimes, and apologizes. I then tell her the apology is unnecessary and that it only shows me there is a family pattern vibrating in the space between us. What reflection is asking to be let go?
What occurred a few days ago was much more massive than a simple ‘name-calling,’ though most of us are sensitive to being falsely accused or projected upon in that way. My Mum used to recite the rhyme to me, “Sticks and Stones…” You know the one. Calling bullshit on the “names will never hurt me” here. As children, we are hyper-sensitive to the projections of others. What is radiating out of our cellular structures at this time are the ways in which those same structures were imprinted, along with all of our workarounds to keep those imprints from causing more harm. In other words, we are losing our defenses and what built them. This is such good news!
Our false ideas of love and loving are being washed clean. Sacrifice in every form, is being held accountable to Source’s love. What can be most difficult to sacrifice is what we believe is right and proper for ourselves and others. We are asked to surrender these girders of our old existence. More than asked, if truth be told.
What lies beneath the hurt is compassion and recognition of how any hurt is caused. What lies beneath and beyond all that is truth. Light is truth. Light is the true foundation of all existence.
Last week was a cathartic week for some of us. {Cathar-tic, hmm, memories of the Field of the Burned Ones? The death of persecution? The demise of being revenged, or for being right?} For all of us, there is an ongoing transformation of everything we are or have ever believed ourselves to be.
I can report that believing is an over-rated stance and responsible for most of our deepest delusions. “I am NOT THAT” causes an equal amount of issues as any “I AM” statement. What we have insisted upon is currently forming tripwires in our path.
As I let what occurred this past week wash through me, my cells recognized the patterns and the epigenetic markers and released those energies into Source’s ferociously gentle re-purposing. Was it challenging? Sure. Was discomfort felt? Of course. So what? There is freedom beyond all of this. Bottom line? My physical-emotional-psychic bodes now embody a greater recognition of what had been assumed to be me, what patterns had been worthy opponents for my body and my life, and what can now be greeted with love and friendship and, it has to be said, much laughter. True, open-hearted laughter is one of our greatest releases. How silly are the roles we play! Honestly! How much fun can they be?
This is what is asked of us. Honesty at every level. Surrender into the transformative currents of Her Great Wave.
Surf wisely! This is one heaven of a swell!
~ Infinite love