Full Flowing Freedom
April’s Full Moon Window
It is as though a gift of trust - truth - humility - freedom - gratitude and compassion expands through all hearts. The Jade essence of this window is specific in its receptivity to love. Some stones are more receptive than others. So are some ‘humans.’
Stones such as this gather different dimensions and frequencies of love from all they encounter. These strands of light coalesce in exquisitely varied ways. As fractals of Source, we tend to attract other things in other ways. Why not love? Why not the true essence of love that is the Oneness, that is the Essence of Life?
What can be written about a flow of calm that eradicates fear? What words might convey such strength and sustenance?
What if the image of the Egyptian Goddess Ma’at, and all archetypes of Peace were banded together? Do we still consider Justice to be a form of ‘not-peace’? When the heart is weighed against a feather, is there enough lightness to create balance within that light? Within the High Trail? The Trail of Spirit? Or, are parts of us still trying to balance with the ego? That fulcrum has dissolved. It is being swept away in this latest wave.
The planet is certainly experiencing tempestuous waters. But within that, there is a stillness. A sanctuary. A way of being that connection to all of life, that connection to the Oneness and the specific points of light that move through our incarnated bodies. All this and more is infusing through our bodies from the inside out.
If we think of a salmon, swimming up river after the melt, we begin to touch our instinctual instructions for completing our cycles of life. The melt is such an interesting time because it frees things that have been frozen, and it provides a feast of new waters, of opportunities, of recreating, reconnecting with the circle that is the Oneness. This particular lunar alignment has a very specific flavor and that is of balance, of harmony, and of peace that is coming through in quite a particular way. It has the color and essence of what we call Jade.
The type of Jade that has come through so strongly for this transition is Pounamu, the Greenstone of New Zealand. I was curious about this, because the orb that showed up, the jewel of transformation for this moon, was very bright green in color coming through the waters. I was shown that this is a re-connection, an opening of new stargates, new star alignments, a re-membering of the understanding that the stars are in the stones and the stones are in the stars. And both are grounded in our bones. This is the beginning of the completion of the gestation of something very, very new. We are in the birthing tides, supported through their initial surges by this lovely mineral ally, the finned ones, and the early blossoms of the standing people {the trees}.
It is time for the ancient ways and the new stellar information to meet and to integrate within our bodies. So as this lovely orb of incandescent green light appeared, it did not do so in front of my sight, but went straight into the heart.
A little voice in my mind wanted to think, “Anahata tends to glow green, chakra-wise,” and that thought was immediately swept aside, as though by a lion or dragon's paw. Source commanded, "No, that's what your mind thinks it knows. Look and listen." And with the listening came the memory of standing on the South Island of New Zealand, with only the horizon line and the stars in view, feeling the stones speaking, the wind speaking, the seas speaking, and the tides. My mind let go and I was there.
I watched as the Jade essence moved through that land, over mountain and under sea, to join like-frequencied sparks on the Tibetan Plateau. From there, sparks turned into flows, and the ribbons of light were airborne, like the northern lights, raining down on and welling up through several other locations throughout the planet where peace and harmony are still revered. I have lost count of the tears I’ve shed during these transmissions. Yes, the light is clear, pristine, and holy. And these jewels are an unimaginable beginning. We are witnessing a cosmic birth.
There is a reverence, a tender tending, grounding within Sacred Places, the dragon lines in particular, and welling up through every being. Whether this welling energy is ignored or not is up to us. Oh please, pay it the respect of attention!
We are ambulatory stellar emanations. We all come from the same Source. And our differences are like the light on the water. So beautiful when purely and clearly expressed.
We are the embodied observers of these immersions. The birth waters have not yet broken. Soon, though, I am shown. Soon.
May you let the loving essence of this lunar alignment eradicate any fear rising up to be released. May the love that you are, meet and become every wave. Let your innocent laughter illuminate each ripple. Let your heart be free.
We are so very blessed.