Green Goddess Dressing
A tongue-in-cheek title, to be sure. Are you feeling the raised platform of Joy?
I heard a writer I respected once say, “I hate that word! Joy!” and I wondered why. I wondered what definitions and constructs, what concepts, rendered those three little letters into something sinister. I’m sure there was a point in that reference somewhere. I wondered if she had a problem with “ecstasy”? Perhaps it had to do with spiritual escapism, bypassing, and the ‘bliss bunny’ illusion. None of those have a place here, nor does the denigration of something so pure and simple.
The Equinox did not just raise the bar, it raised the playing field. Any turbulence we feel is the churn of departing waters.
It is time to feel, see, and know. The next jewel in the Thirteen Jewels of Transformation is the full moon on 5/6 April, at 16 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra. What does this Tower alignment offer? Consider the Libra and how she flows. Huge grins here.
Libra is the sign of justice, {think the scales of Ma’at} balance, harmony, and peace. The qualities of Jade in China and other areas mirror this. What is calming, soothing, and comforting to our bodies? What truth is available that we have been unable or unwilling to invest ourselves within?
The orb of Jade, moving within the birth waters of the recent Equinox, holds these essences and, likely, no mental answers. It is hovering, not in front of my awareness this time, but within my expanded heart. Perhaps as that frequency of heart. Just when I feel the new orb begin to pulse, it seems to giggle. “Not yet. Not yet. Almost. Not yet.” The energies of the Equinox need to fully integrate. And, we are living in new seas of what “fully” might mean to our bodies and our lives.
It seems silly to use words to communicate this energy. April and May hold massive celestial shifts, yes. And these moons are integrative. Integrative. For this to happen, we must open and make ourselves available to the rising frequencies of a new existence. Our minds don’t remember what it was to infuse into a specific incarnation. They cannot. Mind develops after essence embodies. The neocortex of our brains mirrors this truth.
We may be processing these same frequencies in other bodies, other lives, all at this same time. When our focus is present in one flavor of incarnation, it can rarely conceptualize any others. This is how the parameters of the mind function. And this is how we set ourselves up to learn.
What if we could relax, knowing that other parts of the All, the Oneness, ourselves, have already integrated these energies? What if we could expand our learning parameters to include that awareness? This type of deep integration happens in stillness. It is fed by silence. From the stillpoint, all worlds turn.
Time for a new one? A new world that is… perhaps try Green Goddess Dressing. Let the Jade energy arise within your heart {if it hasn’t already} and try on a new way of being.
Why “Goddess?” Oh, why not? Noble Lady Tara would agree. This new infusion has properties of Tara Loka. May we celebrate in gladness! No one is waiting for anyone to wake up ‘here’.
Happy new life!