When you Raise Your Vibration
All that cannot live within that field must be released. Those energies have to go elsewhere. Set them free.
I probably don’t have to write another sentence to explain, but there is a tech to this tsunami of letting go flowing through us.
You may feel like the gap in the waters. Dry and bereft of life. You life may seem to part like the Red Sea, only to make you tremble at the looming waters. What you are becoming is an oasis, a nexus of calm Source expression, that holds the ability to ‘cut through’ and move beyond any obstacle.
Don’t make the appearances real! Begin the inner discipline of unification, Source-sustainability and, most importantly, discretion as to how your unique energy flow needs to operate. You don’t need to ‘broadcast’ or ‘send love’ or radiate anything. Those intentions dilute what Source can make manifest. Every time your vibration moves to higher octaves of frequency, you experience, NOT RESISTANCE, but ‘leftovers,’ of internally gripped holdouts that deny your Source-expression.
The mind will dredge up story. The emotional body will dredge up old hurts. This combination can, if we let it, push us into feeling helpless, hopeless, and as though nothing will ever change. There will always be more layers. We will never ‘get through’. We have a “Sarah Connor” moment. “It’ll never be over, will it.” This defended position of despair is not truth. It is a habit of behavior on the part of our ‘leftovers.’ The best metaphor? Compost what no longer holds nutritional value for you. Let it return to the Earth.
The last cycle, for many of us, was about cleaning up, helping out, atonement, or whatever other nonsense we dreamed up to justify an agenda of changing things ‘around here.’ Those things included ourselves… or maybe were always only we.
The shift in focus needed at the moment is:
1) inward ~ what matters? Not, what is next to clear.
2) clarity on creatively expressing the world you with to inhabit
3) trust that Source has your back and is always taking care of you.
How is this done? One breath, one moment, at a time. We build a new habit of looking inwardly instead of buying what is outside of us. We lean in to Source’s clarity. It is always present. We can always feel it, even as we see it not. We can let go into the source that we are, in spite of all the ways it has been stifled, muzzled, subjugated, sublimated and denied.
I just reviewed a fun article on Medium. The Disney films it speaks to, Moana and Raya and the Last Dragon being two of my favorites, all carry a theme of Divine Feminine Empowerment. This is not a drill! It is these qualities of living that we have denied in ourselves that must now bear fruit. The body-suit matters not {meaning male or female}.
What unifies? What is sustainable? {Not just what we’d prefer} How are we broadcast-blasting our agendas into the collective airways when we could be held, holding, honoring, and discreet? Psychic pollution is a thing. So is psychic terrorism. How we vibrate determines our experience… and influences those around us.
There is no war to fight but the one within. No, I won’t tell that to those being bombed. We know what will change things. As the cartoon Pogo once read, “We have met the enemy and it am us.” This will ‘all end’ when WE CHANGE.
How have you been energetically sloppy today? No judgement. No denial. No fear of “what have I done?” Just. STOP. Shift the focal point to the Source within.
I used to ask, “how do I stop something that I don’t know I’m doing?” That question has no answer. We can choose to be the Source that we are. all of the Source that we are, and let that Invincible Force determine our outcomes.
We’ve only been conditioned to believe that it’s scary. We can let that go.
You need not fear any part of what you truly are.
Infinite love!