Gestations and Meltings
All gestations first require a heart opening. Incoming energies require a vibrational welcome mat. Gaia has lit the homeward-guiding beacons at this time. We are melting into an inner gestation that will forge what is to come. These activities happening simultaneously within our bodies takes most of our energy. We need to let this happen.
The new moon brought in a refreshed impetus for change and/or forward motion. But we are currently melting. Our distortions are dissolving. Fresh lenses of perception are close enough to touch but not quite implemented. Inner silence and careful nurturing are keys to this passage.
I often wonder at what people tell me. For example, “This has to get done, so I’m doing it now.” We all do that. When nothing else is impulsed, I often sit down to write. If the time is ‘write,’ Source’s message flows. If not, that will make itself evident. Perhaps there are glitches or complications, or delays. First question on my part: How does it feel? Is this optimal timing for this manifestation? Is this an egoic “I want,” or is it Source-impulsed? Answers I hear from others tend to be something like, “well it has to be now.” Fair enough. My answer to a timing question will always be, “Source says the time is now.” And that is not lip service. It is knowing born of listening. Mostly I simply follow Her impulsing. The light within knows what is needed for this day. Children do this instinctively.
”Lest ye become as little children…” remember? If you were raised Christian, these words are likely, though perhaps unconsciously, engraved upon your heart. For those not so indoctrinated, the rest of the verse indicates that one will not enter the kingdom {a patriarchal structure, I might add} of heaven. Without going into the permutations of all misperceptions of this concept, I will suggest that we all have concepts and definitions of what being an “innocent child” means in this world. Most of them are not pretty and are sourced in victim energy. That is not what was intended, but is what has been implemented. So how do we cease making the same errors of understanding?
We are in a time of Great Remembering. It requires deep discernment. Truth? When something is right manifestation in right timing, Source lets us know with an impulsing that is almost impossible to ignore. Often we don’t listen to the inner nudging, then blame Source for not telling us what to do. Meet the Rebel archetype: “Tell me what to do! / Don’t you dare tell me what to do!” This double bind runs rampant in the human collective at this time. it is an unconscious antidote to the feeling of being victimized, even as we are being threshed and sorted, melted down into our purest essence.
When Source impulses us, we have been given a gift of opportunity. We can let our light lead. The Source essence within us is not different than, or separate from, SOURCE, as All That Is. We are constantly impulsed. We can learn to set an intent for undistracted attention to those impulses. Sometimes we try. We can be very trying.
Our inner firers are being stoked by Source. The purpose is twofold: to burn off all that is not the truth of us and to bank the fires of meltdown and rebirth. When gestation meets the meltdown, we are forged into glowing nuggets of pristine consciousness. The parameters {the patterns and programs} of our incarnation fall away. If we let them, new frequencies are free to come out and play.
Not quite yet. The meltdown is incomplete. Even the gestational patterns, genetically imprinted into our bodies in utero, are dissolving. Perhaps that is why this gestation feels so odd. Our minds want to tell our bodies that they have no clue. None of that is true. Does a tree forget how to grow again when it has been burned to the forest floor? If the flames reached its roots, does its essence not remember?
When I was little, I spent hours with the trees outside my bedroom window. I still do, come to think of it. As a child, I envied the truth of purpose in the standing people. All they had to do was dig deep for nourishment and reach for the light. Me? I had to go to school and pretend to be socialized. Nature once told me that “a tree is a resting lifetime. That is not what you chose.” True enough. And, as I realized even then, what was preventing me from resting in Source’s deep nourishment and stretching to receive more light?
Years ago, a roommate caught me lying down in the middle of the day and wondered what must be wrong with me. Then, after staring for a few seconds, she blurted out, “Oh! You’re storing power!” I hadn’t quite realized that until she spoke the words. Puzzle pieces fell into place as I got up to answer the phone. When I heard my Teacher’s voice, the lesson clicked, though I couldn’t have told you what I had learned.
The transformation at hand is like that. We know we are being altered. We must trust that this process is not deleting anything we might need going forward. We are being systematically dismantled and distilled into what we are. We have no choice but to move with this, {or leave the planet} so why not use this time to dig deep? Nestle in, even in the midst of ‘things to do’ that pay the bills.
Part of any Great Remembering is the love that beckons. It stokes the fires of knowing that tell us the only way through is through.
In this melding of gestation and melting, lies a freedom of consciousness we have never known. You don’t fear the unknown. You took the risk to be ‘human,’ didn’t you? Now we are becoming something more. What a great adventure!