Psychic Integrity
Why this and why now? The subject came up in sessions this week. This is a reminder of how most humans spew their thoughts and feelings around and how you, as a responsible earthling, {oh yes you are if you have a physical body here at this time} can navigate the planet more responsibly.
This is what happens all the time.
Humans spend most of their time in their heads, and, now, in the consciousness of their devices. These behaviors negate our natural sense of appropriate energy boundaries, almost entirely. Have you ever thought of a film or series, then had it pop up on your favorite streaming channel? Oh! What a synchronicity! Not really. More of your awareness than you know was tapped into that slipstream, and you picked up on something in its field. And, this is a benign example. Most of us work digitally, and we are, without being aware, affected by what flows through those pathways. So, it is a good idea to use technology consciously, rather than let it use us. That is a topic unto itself. Remember to stay in your own field, not that of Netflix, for example. Treat it as a digital salad bar. Partake as you choose, then ‘leave the building.’
What I speak of, here, is the rather loose and sloppy way most humans use their mental/emotional energy. As a species, we have become so desperate for connection that we seek it, mostly unconsciously, in the psychic collective morass. This inner desperation turns into writhing psychic tentacles waiting to latch on to other vibrations. It is a survival tactic, rather than any kind of real relating.
How does this affect us? When we venture out into the world, as they say, we feel everyone’s projections, expectations, and their psychic tentacles. This can be uncomfortable at best, and debilitating at worst, until we learn to navigate within our own field, interacting with those of others in a clean and conscious way.
The work this takes, is deep mindfulness, where we do not allow our thoughts and feelings to stray into the fields of others. I am often asked, “How do I know if these thoughts and feelings are my own?” The best way is to know the integrity of your own field, how your own energies feel, and to begin to recognize when vibrations come in that are not indigenous to your awareness and bodies. This happens one thought, one feeling, one step, at a time. Pause, breathe, and assess. As with anything else, practice makes the difference.
This is how nature communicates.
Nature exists within the Oneness. Effortlessly. So can we. We have all had the experience of resting in Nature and feeling completely absorbed, yet totally safe. This feeling is a natural expression of collaboration through the Oneness.
If one singularity within Nature wishes to seek out another, in hunting, for example, there is a questing for a particular vibration. Within both predator and prey, there is a resonance. It is not mental. Nature does not function in worlds of thought, as we do. And yet, our thoughts impact the natural world in a big way. We have no idea the strength of our projections. In Nature, something feels aligned, or not. Life is intelligent. It knows, the Great Mother knows, what balance feels like and how to flow within those currents. This knowing is inherent within us. Our Source Essence is already aligned with these principles.
This is the responsible way.
Don’t project {or spew} your thoughts and feelings out onto others. Just. Stop. I remember when my Teacher took me to task about this, many years ago. I pleaded, “How can I stop something I don’t know I’m doing?” His answer? “Just do it. Learn to be responsible for your own field and no one else’s.” I’m not going to say that to anyone… though it is true enough. What helps is to monitor one’s own orb, one’s own energy field. What else is there? Are you okay with it? Most of us feel others in our fields and bodies and decide to prioritize other things. Fair enough.
Do you want to merge with the fields of others or be your own inner light? It’s a fair question. Are these states of being mutually exclusive? No. Inter-dependency is something humans are learning… very… slowly…But that is another discussion. Nature does it brilliantly, if you wanted a clue.
Mixed bags {or fields} produce mixed manifestations.
And, at this time, when all fields are in turbulence, wouldn’t you rather be carried in clean waves? Clean, meaning that those currents resonate with your Source Essence, and not necessarily with that of others. It feels great to be in your own energy flow, in psychic integrity. You have everything within you that you need. Sometimes we all need to be reminded.
Let Source be the do-er. Always.
Much love, and
“Be careful out among them English…” ~ from The Witness