Preparing for the Solstice

New realms have entered us. Are we ready to enter there? Reside there? Change has arrived, ready or not.

2023 has been a more profoundly transformative year than many of us might yet realize. We can bank on those changes if we are prepared to allow our inner shifts to manifest physically. For many of us, those manifestations might be joyous beyond belief. Are we ready?

Are we ready to inhabit the vibrational reality that most suits us? What fears might that concept bring up in our bodies? “Oh no, I’ll live in my worst fear scenarios.” Haven’t we done that already? Isn’t a fear-based reality one we are long weary of wearing?

We have learned much, weathered every type of storm, been brave and forbearing, and, hopefully, learned about real courage. This has all been preparation for our next steps, our next embodiments. We have several weeks left of 2023. We can use this stretch of turbulent chop to choose to enter the inner sorting hat and let it sort us out. We need sorting, yes?

I do not mean to imply that this sorting and sieving and threshing in place will solve everything. Source is well able for that, and Her guiding hand is moving each to its own at lovespeed. For those wishing for a doing to pursue, all such efforting must be inner. One question that begs to be asked is, “What world do I want to inhabit?” You may well have chosen long ago. This transition makes no one’s choices wrong. What it does is frame the contents of the life you have already lived.

Like the perfect frame for the perfect image in the perfect place on the perfect wall, we are shown the vibrational content of what we have lived in order to put those adventures into context for consciously connected choices going forward. What frequencies do we now wish to live within? If you have already chosen love and peace, harmony with nature, and all of her manifestations, your timing is impeccable. That wave carries those who have chosen its embrace in specific ways. Other waves, other currents, carry other choices.

I once asked Source why pain and suffering, as I perceived it, existed here, when Gaia is such a gracious hostess. The answer was, as some of you know, “If there is even one being who chooses to learn from those vibrations, they will continue to exist for the purposes of that learning.” Gracious, generous, and unconditionally supportive is our world. And, Gaia’s choices are changing. It is part of the chop we are experiencing now.

Someone asked me, a few days ago, “What will happen to all those who will not ascend?” Well… First, I listened to what this person meant by that word. I noted that she was unsure. I notice that everyone talks about ascension now. The word has become popular. And, if we’re honest, we each have our opinions about what we want it to mean for us. If I’m honest, I’m not sure that matters. Source and Gaia are moving us within specific bandwidths of vibration that cannot be denied. What we call this is irrelevant. Do we need the terminology? Really? Is our desperate need to connect best accomplished through words? I don’t know. I’m asking. I find Silence to communicate most eloquently at this time. So here I am, writing words. Why? Each conveys an energy that Source intends as support.

Have you noticed how your choices are changing? Are you listening? We are in a rigorous transition of preparation. The Solstice energies are here and now, as all energies always are. And yet, we have this Grace period, allowing us to keep pace with all that is changing.

How do we prepare for the Solstice, now that the waves are so high we cannot see past their might? Relax. Still your mind chatter. Listen. Ride the currents that lift and support you. Let even the tiniest moments of love and joy lift your spirits. If you already live in that space, constantly informed from the heart, let yourself be lifted even higher. This is meant to be.

Our ideas about what is happening are not what we need. The voice of the heart does not drag us through angst or drama. Where is the peace within your deepest depths? It is calling, beckoning, ready and willing and able to carry you where you are meant to be. Dare I write “Surrender?” this has nothing and everything to do with submission. The more intense things become, the more it helps to relax into these currents and let oneself be unconditionally supported by their Grace.


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