So Many Paths, Infinite Expression
I’m having a wonder, so I beg your pardon if my words wander. Today is a ‘say what you need to say’ kind of day.
And, truth be told, Source has expressed through me what wanted expressing, for years now. Long years, in human terms, a nano-blip in cosmic reality. So much of it has been what others seemed to need to hear. In the immortal words of Willow, “bored now.” Facetious, of course. Yet, there is so much more that seeks expression. That flow will find its way. She always does so.
This is what I need to say, in this way, and on this day:
What are your projections onto the enlightened state? What do you think you know? What do you honestly believe? And, having fathomed those depths, what do you want from them? Do you honestly want to become irretrievably altered? Or are there aspects of ‘you’ that you adore and hold onto for dear life? I can report that there is no going back. History does not exist, in the way you have believed. And, if/when you become irretrievably altered, your wants will evaporate, though your yearnings will not. It is a constant and continuous process of flow and change.
You will ebb and flow from Self to No-Self, ad infinitum, until this alleged paradox is resolved from within. To what are you still addicted? What addictions are you unconscious of, blind to, or in denial about? {Enlightenment is not a cure for addiction, by the way. Its power intensifies what we have not yet shed.} Source is the author of the transformation from the delusion of Self and the illusion of No-Self into Grace. A Grace that has always been Present, standing eternally in support of all the games we play.
I can honestly report that, having crossed enlightenment’s shore many years ago, it is and continues to be, nothing, and I do mean nothing, like I once imagined. It is much more wondrous and ever-unfolding. Peace. Power. Love, and JOY… boundless, infinite JOY no matter the circumstance. And, as Seeing runs through me ever more intensely, Wonder at the immensity of the All, visible in every grain of sand, every fractal of every form.
Maybe you’ve ‘read the books’ and think you understand that one of the last things to be surrendered is enlightenment itself? I thought I understood that, too. "Bwah! Ha Ha Ha ! True, but, as with everything, it is not what you think.
I have been reminded, time and again, of Richard Bach’s words, “Everything in this book may be wrong.” It was. They all were, from an expanded point of view.
Well done, writers all! Using words to describe the ineffable remains an unfathomable and immeasurable challenge. Bravo to all those who have attempted this feat. There are nuggets of real in every tome, well nested in stage-sets, scripts and stories. Descriptions all, of what lies beyond description. And yet…words reflect what is true and real in order to understand, if only in part, what is Infinite.
That said, what does your heart yearn for? How many of us are able to clearly define that state of being, without all the imprints, conditioning, cellular and cultural inheritance, and whatever else our egos hold onto for dear life, flavoring the stew? And, now, as the world churns, how will we temper those yearnings to a world in transition? Do we? Is it appropriate? What is appropriate? No one knows. Our hearts, however, hold that wisdom.
Was what you think you want, ever about the world? Perhaps so. Perhaps not. Was it about ambition? Ambition is an ‘accomplishment in the world’ kind of thing. It is not essence. Bummer? No. Rather, a profound relief. Having not been born with that kind of ambition, imagine my immense relief at the dissolution of that particular cattle prod. Superlatives fail me.
Truth is an on-going adventure, with its own playing fields. These stage-sets play out beneath our feet, our wings, and any other apparatus to which we may have become attached. They help us to recognize our own Essence and what resonates for our frequencies, our particular frequency bundle. Then, and one might venture, only then, do we radiate what we have come to seed onto this or any world. This is not entirely ‘how things work,’ of course, but you get the idea. We are multi-dimensional beings and exist simultaneously in many arenas, so… what shall we play N.O.W? {Nurturing the Oneness Within}
What fractal of the All do we bring to any path we might encounter? This we can learn from any path, as it plays out before us, according to our resonance in the moment.
My mystery school teacher used to say, “There is one road that will lead you to enlightenment. Funny how we try so many before happening upon the One.” {paraphrased, as I heard this many times and in many flavors} At that time, my twenty-something self attached a post-it to my military-styled cubicle shelf, depicting a road disappearing into mystical hills. The drawing rested at eye level, not be be ignored. “My road. That one. Only that one,” was my set intent. Did it help? I cannot tell you. Much cosmic laughter ensued, I’m sure. Even now, giggles surround the concept.
I would bet on a few key things as your primary motivators.
1) Pain relief. This world hurts, for most of us.
Truth: Enlightenment makes nothing “go away,” except what we believe ourselves to be.
2) Life will be magical {or, at least, better}.
Truth: Life is magical. The experience of this requires tuning to a different bandwidth and living from that place.
3) I want to help… tricky.
Truth: Why? What do you think is ‘wrong’ {I did say this was tricky} that you desire to correct?
Start with yourself. ‘Fix’ or dissolve or obliterate whatever ‘it’ is within. There is no other place to begin. There is no other solution. {mitigations and heartfelt assistance notwithstanding} You may be astounded at what shifts. Perspective will be the least of it.
You may experience other motivations. What are they? What does your Source Essence opine regarding those concepts?
Many years ago now, I crossed a threshold. ‘I’ ceased to be. And, that house has many mansions. Each one, a threshold. A beginning. The most recent is almost always the most glorious. The more we perceive, the more there is to love. Loving what IS about US is one of the ‘final’ keys.
If I had had the nerve, I would have demanded of my mystery school teacher, “What do I have to do?!” Except that, deep down, I knew. I remember my Essence, you see. I always have. And, {here’s the kicker} I would have ‘done’ anything. No matter what. Whatever it took. And I did… including giving up any attachment or addiction to being someone called ‘me.’ The being you perceive only exists in our shared imagination. Isn’t that amazing? Marvelous? Silly? Fabulous? Fun? What a wondrous world?! And have they not all been so?
This is where some students say, “Well, it’s easy for you, then. You remembered.” Oh, you think so? Easy? On this world? A world of alleged badasses-in-training? A world that can be so much more than thinking makes it? Silly rabbit. Are you denying that you remember as well? Are you really going to run that one on someone who sees you as you are? Seriously? But I digress.
There are paths and paths, and every. single. one. leads to a different ‘mansion’ in the Infinite. Are there any bad paths? Only thinking makes them so. Only allowing ourselves to be governed by our beliefs, most of which are adopted, sends us into non-resonant adventures. When you tire of non-resonant experience, perhaps you’ll choose to give it up. Perhaps not. Until then, let go as much as you can, of as much as you can. You’ll be happier without all that baggage. The personal self is finite. And then, there is all the rest of that jazz…Infinite fields of play, whose integration is the ultimate game.
As an experienced {and sometimes clumsy} integrator, I can report that light and less encumbered is always the smoother way. The greater the flow density, the lighter our baggage must become. You are Grace… and when that realization thrives within you, you will cease to wonder who She is, and what She wants, and begin to Be. This is the threshold of Becoming.
Blessed Be your journey. Surf wisely! Namaste.