If I Could Tell You...
If I Could…
…tell you what to do, I’m not sure I would. It’s not up to me. SHE leads all our ways.
What is it like to walk this world awake?
I’m not talking “woke,” in the current pop-vernacular, meaning that one chooses to open one’s eyes to what one does not yet believe. Not the kind of awakening where one surrenders to the truth of information one has been ignorant of or resisted thus far. Those are the baby steps into awakening. Vital, but not where fully awake awareness is best applied. And, not what I’m talking about at all, at all.
Me? I always wanted to skip to the end, and have it done. Impatience in vast quantities. That place does not exist. It seems a long learning, that, and so obvious now that SHE moves the bridge through me. From the still center of All That Is, directions like forward and behind become meaningless. Presence. Is.
Years ago I wondered at another awakened one who had used tools similar to those I was teaching. She had begun to teach her students that simple Presence in the Infinite field was key. Deep bow to HER wisdom. Infinite field, zero point energy, quantum field…same/same. SHE is that. And, now, I laugh, though kindly, at the depth of my own delusion in those moments of wondering. In other words, I now know what I did not then know.
We all need processing techniques to dismantle the delusional realities of ego. Meditation is not enough.
It is, however, the key that unlocks the Stillness within.
There is a spiritual tale, told for, perhaps forever? The spiritual aspirant approaches the master, who has stopped by the side of the road, a thorn embedded in his foot. The master asks the student for another thorn. The student plucks a thorn, handing it to his teacher. The master uses the proffered thorn as a tool to remove the one embedded in his foot. He then turns to the student, thanking him and slaying, “Use one thorn to remove what is embedded, then throw them both away.” At that, the master tosses both thorns over his shoulder, stands, and proceeds along the road.
The student spends many years pondering the lesson, wishing to avoid the thorns, any thorns, at all costs. He also treads on a few, on purpose, to perhaps speed things up a bit. Maybe the right thorn would set him free? Maybe there are more and better thorns just over the horizon? {an imaginary line that recedes as one approaches}
What does this have to do with what I could tell you? Only this. There is no right thorn.
My Teacher once said that there is a road, one road for each of us, that leads to enlightenment. He went on to say that everyone has to walk a lot of roads to find the right one. I drew a picture of a road disappearing into the distance on a post-it note and pinned it to the lip of the shelf above my desk at my first-ever programming job. Daily reminder. Find the damned road. The drawing was simple. Two lines coming together, suggesting depth… an exercise from art classes taken as a child. It was a child’s understanding.
That road, our road, forms under our feet. How do I know? I walk it, consciously. So do you, though you may not yet recognize your wanderings. Most are too focused on their day to day to truly perceive.
What I can tell you is this. If you believe enlightenment is difficult, it will be that, for you. If you believe in this or that, ‘I am this,” ”I am not that,” then those fixed positions will play through you and your physical life.
If you’re reading this and thinking that you know all this… it might help to remember that we don’t know what we don’t know. And that is true for us all.
Try this, for fun, and see where it takes you. It is, after all, only another thorn. {as are all tools, and you do not need them all.} “I am teachable. I am open to learning.” SHE will follow through. It may be the opening SHE has waited for, so that you and SHE might become ONE.
What will you have to sacrifice to become fully awake? Your belief systems, thought patterns, and habits of behavior. Every. Single. One… in order to become ONE. SHE will bring HER treasures through you and they will form a lily pad, a raft under your feet, a pillow when you most need comfort, and the support you require as you require it. SHE is the bridge, and “from here to there” is the greatest delusion of all.
I can tell you that beliefs are what run your mind, and therefore your body, until your mind drops the reins of control.
“…as they believe, so it will be for them.” ~ anon
True. Completely, unconditionally, totally, true. And yet, the worlds turn beneath all illusions.
What if you believed nothing in particular? Nothing fixed? Your mind will tell you that you would die. There would be no reason to keep on living. Not so. Or, as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, told Alice, “…sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.” You could try on beliefs to see what realities they filter for you. It’s a fun game, though rather fruitless, if enlightened embodiment is truly your dream.
Most of metaphysical knowledge is just that. Knowledge. Mind-food. The more parameters you acquire, the more maze-like your experience of life becomes.
What do you want your life to look and feel like? The Jungians are great at this question.
SHE can help you find your answers.
What I am able to assist you with, is feeling those feelings and hearing HER voice within you, as you become HER Oneness.
I don’t know what you should do. In HER world there are no shoulds. There are only infinite realms of potential where all things are possible… within varying degrees of probability given what one believes.
I can’t tell you what fully awake is. No one can. Its expression through you will be unique and precious.
I can show you. SHE can show you through me. We can rest in the joy of that immersion together. It might be fun. SHE will show you and you will know. Nature will sing of HER Oneness and we will listen, glad of heart, in HER Infinite Presence.
May you find yourself in HER way.
~ Namaste ~