White Tara, Starstreaming, and Emerging Realities ~

It’s coming on Bealtaine, the fires are bright. Re-lit at the dawn from HER ever-enduring light.

The mounting energies of the cross-quarter opening are a very welcome quickening to the deep healing stillness of late. Deeper connections have been made, remembered, and are being cultivated at Bealtaine’s seeding, harvested at Lughnasadh in the southern hemisphere. And, at this juncture, White Tara blesses and holds it all.

If you are a Starstream, and/or know yourself to be a morphing being of light, this transition is for you. The realities you have awaited are incubating. Almost ready to begin the birthing. Can you feel the deep breath before the push?

How is White Tara connected to Starstreams?
The name Tara translates as “star,” but the relationship between the archetypal morphogenetic field of the Goddess known as White Tara and streaming beings goes much deeper than a name. Consider the Infinite field of stars. Each, a being with conscious intelligence. Consider the cells, the atoms, the particles, that make up your body. Each a being in its own right, banded together by a common intention, a common purpose. That collaboration provides a vehicle for your Spirit and its journey through life on Earth and the cosmos through which Gaia travels.

Each time you re-format, every 5 seconds as you reconfigure, the star field that you are, that your incarnation represents, takes a new form. You become a newer, more refined fractal of a greater whole. White Tara represents that Oneness. She is the archetypal field that sustains the purity and clarity of intention. Her resonance sustains, and provides sustenance for, the enhanced sensitivity starstreams incarnate to embody.

If we are sand paintings, SHE is the sand, the platform, the palette for the dyes, the precise geometry of design and the support for the painting’s creation. SHE represents the finished art and that to which it returns, when swept away.

SHE is a way of perceiving the Great Mother, of which we are a part.

Why is Tara an aspect of the Great Mother guiding our transition?
Do you remember the star child from the film 2001? Though the mystery has been vastly misinterpreted, the relationship between star and stone struck a chord in the biped collective. {Literally. Remember the soundtrack?} The monoliths were used to create a star from Jupiter, the “guru” planet. Was that only a story? Or is that how it happens? The relationship between the stars and the stones of this world has always been sacred. This is known. It is about to be remembered more widely.

“The stones are in the stars and the stars are in the stones…” ~ Druid Anon

The star child, in 2001: A Space Odyssey, represented new light, new life, the potential for new reality birthed onto new worlds. In the sequel, 2010: The Year we Make Contact, the human astronauts were admonished “All these worlds are yours, except Europa. Attempt no landing there.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke

A new light had been birthed by some unknown intelligence, changing the Earth’s concept of darkness forever. The character of Dr. Heywood Floyd, had this to say in his final vlog prior to the return flight…

”My dear Christopher: This is the last time I'll be able to speak to you for a long while. I'm trying to put into words what has happened. Maybe that's for historians to do sometime later. They will record that the next day, the President of the United States looked out of the White House window and the Premier of the Soviet Union looked out of the Kremlin window, and saw the new distant sun in the sky. They read the message, and perhaps they learned something because they finally recalled their ships and their planes. I am going to sleep now. I will dream of you and your mother. I will sleep knowing that you are both safe, that the fear is over. We have seen the process of life take place. Maybe this is the way it happened on Earth millions of years ago. Maybe it's something completely different. I still don't know really what the monolith is. I think it's many things. An embassy for an intelligence beyond ours. A shape of some kind for something that has no shape. Your children will be born in a world of two suns. They will never know a sky without them. You can tell them that you remember when there was a pitch black sky with no bright star, and people feared the night. You can tell them when we were alone, when we couldn't point to the light and say to ourselves, "There is life out there." Someday, the children of the new sun will meet the children of the old. I think they will be our friends. You can tell your children of the day when everyone looked up and realized that we were only tenants of this world. We have been given a new lease and a warning from the landlord. “ {reprinted from IMDB quotes}

So, why would the Great Mother not shepherd this transition in her aspect as White Tara, the star mother?

What is the benefit of her Tutelage?
Why would you, a Starstream, Starseed, intelligent being, be interested in this archetypal form? What are the potential benefits of being initiated into her flavor of Grace?

If you are called, you will know. You will feel it. You may feel the magic of the stars within the stones at sacred sites. Inter-dimensional portals may fascinate you. Learning to live in a war world in transition as a sensitive, may be to your benefit. Only you can know. What this aspect of the Great Mother offers is peace, clarity, assistance for the purity of your heart, and, most of all, an opening into accelerated Grace.

In the Tibetan Buddhist traditions:

“White Tara is particularly associated with healing, protecting and stabilizing your life-force.” Gelek Rimpoche

“The main characteristic of Arya Tara— Noble Tara— is that she is a Buddha who in earlier times promised to always be born in the pure form of a female body in order to help living beings reach enlightenment. There are many outer and inner impediments that practitioners encounter, so Arya Tara manifests in order to eliminate hindrances and obstacles one runs into while on the path to liberation from suffering.”

—Venerable Chöje Lama Phuntsok

~ Quotes courtesy of Buddha Weekly

I know Sita Tara as “She who keeps on showing up,” no matter how weird or wild things get. And, trust me, we’ve been through some wilde shite, SHE and I. Maybe it boils down to that, after all.

What gets us through? She offers a way, the Great Mother’s way, for all creatures, great and small.

Blessings to you all,


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