Learning & Compassion

What a week! If we can see through the chaos, we might perceive a chance to delve deeper into areas of knowledge that try to give practical answers to human issues. These include not only all forms of healing but also the metaphysical manifestations of our personal undertoads. {word used consciously}

For example, it is ‘moth season’ here in the mountains. A few days ago, I opened the garden door, to be greeted by a flurry of perhaps twenty of the little brown things, most of which flew into the house. Bummer! Only a few responded as I tried to herd them back into the garden. These little creatures wait at doors, crawl between screens and window glass, and generally make a nuisance of themselves, as they creep indoors. I’ve always wondered why. Isn’t their life outdoors so much more pleasant? Wouldn’t they rather be free? Is artificial light more attractive than the sun or moonlight?

Moth medicine, reflected in their behavior of ingesting natural fibers and their dislike of camphor, speaks to influences in our lives that hide and eat away at our true natures. And those we avoid because they ‘smell bad.’ Moths held center stage long before Butterfly evolved, appearing some 190 million years ago. In this ancient time, they danced in the lovely company of blossoming plants, sharing secrets clandestinely, in a clairvoyant manner. What blossoming parts of us have enjoyed their company, that we now hide or hide from?

Moths carry an innate drive toward the light, responding to its presence regardless of consequences. That drive can mirror our own inner yearning. Are these little guests munching away on what we have kept hidden? Are they pounding themselves on window glass, seeking more light?

The late Ian Lungold, a prominent Mayan Calendar researcher, wrote that “time is speeding up.” Many have since echoed this observation. He also observed that the ‘final stages’ of evolution, from one era or yuga to another, escalate exponentially. Frequencies rise in tsunami-like waves, carrying with them what will thrive in these higher octaves and leaving behind what will not. At this time, the Shapley Attractor is conjunct the lunar north node. This cosmic magnetic pull draws us toward our deeper destinies, even as the DiPole Repeller {its polar opposite point in space} pushes us in that direction. For many of us, the ensuing tension happens at unplumbed depths of awareness. The direct effects of these forces can confuse our minds and make our emotional bodies vastly uncomfortable. This can then present as physical symptoms, in order to attract our attention.

This week is a good time to go deeper into the fundamentals of yourself. The danger of the Shapley Attractor influence lies in the intellectualization and "talking to death" of experiences and situations that actually call for feeling and empathy. An intellectual approach to this transit hinders compassionate understanding and effective acceptance of newly emerging realities. Moths are dropping dead all over the house. The cat stalks the stragglers with feline abandon. What do we observe as tragedy, and what as completion? Are we truly feeling beneath the bonnet?

I spent yesterday observing my emotional body wanting to scream, while my conscious awareness remained calm, centered, and at peace. When I focused on the ‘scream,’ my body ducked and covered, saying, “Never mind.” Rather than attempt any type of spiritual bypassing, I sat with what was not a push-pull as I might have imagined, but the obliteration of fundamental tenets of life and living whose oppositions need to resolve…now. I can report that ‘I’ felt great, while those resolutions felt ‘awful.’

If your mind takes this information to a heaven-or-hell or nirvana-or-bardo image, take a good look at that projection. It is our projections onto enlightenment and what is beyond it, that keep us from its full embodiment. We are being taken into the depths. There is no back and no surfacing for the flavor of air we used to breathe. Gasping and grasping avail nothing.

The human collective is moving through the transition from caterpillar to butterfly, all unknowing that, in the physical world, a butterfly is lucky if it lives six weeks. Those who have made this transit share that the butterfly and its experience of freedom are only a first stage of living an awakened life. Some say the butterfly becomes an eagle or a phoenix. Each of these embodiments represents a higher vision and a greater capacity for integrating into Oneness. Each of these perspectives arrives in its own time, as we awaken more fully.

Source points to the butterfly’s inevitable evolution into the Hunab Ku, the Mayan symbol for the “cosmic butterfly.” Within that symbol, lie the forces of the Shapley Attractor {aren’t human names strange?} and the DiPole Repeller, surging through and creating galactic events, as we live mostly unaware of their influence. Not this week! Not if we pay attention.

We are being pulled out of our cocoons and chrysalides, wet wings or not, into the experience of something more. We incarnated at this time to move through this experience, to learn from it, and to embody the compassion that our inner natures require. Source is all-loving, including the tough kind, in the gentlest possible way. Source IS compassion, dispassion, and the passion that creates life. Will we let ourselves become all that and more?

Oh, and what is popping up out of its hidden places, tends to be what some call ‘toxic masculinity.’ It could also be called ‘toxic tyranny.’ Where have we tyrannized ourselves and allowed others to assist? Observe the memories, the moments, and see what they show you. Then, let the learning go. Have compassion for what you have put yourself through in order to learn a very foreign way of being. This is a new cycle. Any attempt to push through this tension will blow you back into it.

No need for that. Let yourself simmer, percolate, and feel what needs to be felt. And, release as many moths as you can. Bless their little wings and wobbles. Drawn to the light, all yearn to be free.


Owning All That You Are


Hello, It’s Me…