Life Review
The world has been in a period of shamanic death for a few years now. To say that the process has been accelerated is both accurate and inaccurate. As of this writing, we are all in a sorting period, a threshing floor, where the remnants of the old are being sifted from what we will require going forward. Some are ready to move into the energies of new creation and some are moving through the sorting process a bit more slowly. This is happening for everyone. There is no right or wrong way for anyone to be with this…except perhaps for fear and panic.
There will be waves of fear as the old energies, the programmed and conditioned energies, release. This is how a shamanic death happens. Our egos do not transform willingly. They are survival programs, after all.
So, what can be done? First, we are all in need of a re-writing of our scripts of self-care. What helps is to know that we don’t know, and to listen. We need to constantly and consistently feel into what we need, for the expansion of consciousness, for grounding, for being present, and for bringing our expanding awareness into the precision of every moment. What does that mean? We need to pay attention. We need to slow down, even eject the mental hamster wheel, and go deeply into Stillness. One of the gifts of a quarantine period can be inner stillness, if we let it be so.
As the life review deepens, we may have flashes of what seem like past lives, or of memories long forgotten. The trick is not to dwell on these memory flashes, but to release each one, along with the feelings it contains. These reality bubbles, {Remember the film Brainstorm with Christopher Walken and Natalie Wood?} hold gifts for us. Perhaps we didn’t know we felt a certain way about a certain something. Or, perhaps it is time to let go of feelings we’ve been keeping bottled up for years or lifetimes. The threshing floor image can help. Things are being sorted. What we need will be there for us.
Try not to expect or project. Onto what? The future is not set and it is certainly unknown at this moment. So is the past, from a certain point of view. As we move through a life review, the tendency is to reference the past with regard to the future. Mistake! Self-referencing in this way creates a loop in consciousness. The foundations which once supported our preferential loops have crumbled. Sliding back into a loop, however comfortable, is a sure way to faceplant in many dimensions.
Try not to expect specific outcomes. Turn off the mind’s projector each time it attempts to roll film on any subject. Look deeper instead. You might be amazed at what you are able to see. And, it might be frightening to your reality framework… how you believe the worlds work, and how things are. Nothing is as it appears to be, in this transition. For best results, let your feelings drop you deeper in.
Don’t fight how things were. What a waste of energy! You know what I mean. Drop the stories you play over and over in your head that defend an action, a position or what your ego might prefer the truth to be. This is the ego trying to make sense of a change so big it cannot conceive of the truth.
Things are changing. Regardless of what stage of shock, or grief {denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance} you might be dealing with at any moment, with regard to your old life, this too, will change. That life no longer exists. Optimal is flowing with the changes.
Put the vast amounts of available energy into dreaming, creating what might be.
The downpour of light is intense. It can feel overwhelming to our bodies and will certainly change our lives. What can help is to ask what patterns or programs are running that are holding onto old ways of being or doing. You might be surprised what shows up! Some things seem tiny, trivial even. If so, take a look beneath the surface into the vast reservoirs of life force tied into what shows up. Don’t get discouraged! This kind of morphing is so rare that bleachers have been erected on top of bleachers for this event. No popcorn or snacks available because one kernel, however small, dropped into the mix, would change things.
What kernels are you holding onto? What nuggets are so previous to you that you shield them even from Source? Let yourself see and allow the release.
Gratitude goes further than you might imagine. “Thank you that…” Letting your Source-Self fill in that blank can be a huge assistance in finding out what really matters… to YOU.
When the sorting hat is back on HER shelf, and we have our refined and polished touchstones well in hand, our new worlds, our chosen realities, will begin to manifest. For some, this is already in progress. It may have been for awhile now.
Manifestations will accelerate as we flow and let go. Planetary energies are shifting mightily. Today, assisted by Venus and her pass near the Pleiades. Updated frequencies. Pure, incandescent tonalities. If you don’t hear or feel those things, don’t dismiss them! Don’t despair. Your seeing may be along another avenue.
Our gifts are opening now. Let the plunge into shamanic death, and its accompanying life review, illuminate yours. Rather than seek, let yourself become the light, the gift, that you are.
You were literally born for this.
~ Namaste ~