Listen and be Impulsed
In a passage like this one, we are called to use our deepest ears.
Source used to say, “Put your Hathor ears on.” This meant to let the antennae of inner awareness pay attention where it was due. It was an invitation to tune in to what is most essential. At the moment, the deepest currents hold the most crucial information. We are absorbing these new bits through our light coding and at the cellular level. Our bodies will comprehend the changes before our minds. This passage is designed so.
What does full body listening feel like? Stillness. Sometimes stillness is immediately followed by an impulse to take action. At the moment, it is most often not. As I am chronicling this year’s passage, my body has to be still, over and over, to integrate what I am receiving. I am napping more often, as well as treating my body to frequent small doses of chi gong, yoga, and Feldenkreis moves. My body does not want to walk through the neighborhood, so I walk her up and down the stairs as often as I can remember to do so. Right now, everything is amplified and a little goes a long way. Consistency is key.
Our bodies remember what they have learned. Beyond muscle memory, our bodies hold the context of what we love. I love the movement arts, {including swimming and tree climbing} and so, my body responds quickly to them. It loves how it feels to be in motion. One intention that always helps is to envision the light codes in particular areas of the body amplifying and integrating. This intent is a gentle encouragement rather than any flavor of “whipping the body into shape.” Feel the love in the wrists, in the shoulder and hip joints, in the knees… like that. Love and lightness always show up when asked.
If parts of us are still waiting for mental instructions, I can only suggest that we be patient with those parts of ourselves, as we encourage absorption in alternate ways. We can offer up the impatient one within us, remembering that what happens is happening because that is the way it needs to happen. Could things be different? Of course. They already are. We just don’t let ourselves perceive the difference yet. And, they play out as they play out, according to available frequencies. When we move into higher alignment, we don’t remember what the other continuum felt like. We don’t need to.
No divine authority outside of ourselves is going to send us a manual or tell us what steps to take next. We must feel, see, and know, and in that order. This takes patience, perseverance, and, it has to be said, the discipline to stay the course, with love, when we have no idea where we are headed.
There is a book, famous in spiritual circles, within which the departed spirit of someone’s son speaks. His name was Michael. I don’t remember the book title. When asked where “we” are headed, he invariably says “UP!” Simplistic, but true enough. Gaia’s frequencies are rising, and we with them.
The do-overs we are so impatient with are ending. Karmic completions are at hand. What is a completion? When something has run its course, played itself out and is…wait for it… OVER. Are there those who have graduated from a particular level in school without learning much? Sure. It is up to the student to learn. Assimilation and integration are choices, not inevitable outcomes. Has anyone ever received a black belt without truly knowing their stuff, without the chops it takes, without earning it? I’ve witnessed that oddity several times. I never understood the point. Prestige over truth? Our alleged achievements are so named through our own eyes, our own perceptions, and will be evaluated and/or judged by others through theirs. There are infinite lenses of perception.
Source accepts all, takes all in stride. We are honing this skill, even now, though we may not see it.
How conscious are we, of what we are moving through? Yes, it matters.
The next gathering in the Integrating Multidimensionally series happens this Saturday. A reminder will be sent out, as usual, to those who have registered. How conscious are you of what is integrating? Would you like to be more so? We are learning by immersion. The more conscious we make our passage, the smoother our journey will be. {I’d expect some ‘interesting’ seas along the way}
Infinite Love and an Exquisite Equinox!