Solstice Shifting

We are still in the Solstice window and will be so for the next several days. I felt it mounting, as I am sure, did you, ramping up to the transmission that Source offered through me. I then had to lie down and be still for the rest of that day, spending most of that time in meditation {shift integration}. I can report to feeling well and truly toasted, and it’s -5 degrees F according to the front porch thermometer, which means that a few paces beyond, it is likely ten degrees colder! Did you know that altitude plus cold temperatures produces an electromagnetic effect that accelerates consciousness? I’ll bet the Tibetans know that… For me, it makes a lot of things make sense.

I suppose that is my epitaph for 2022: “A lot of things finally made sense.” This, of course, means that what has shifted has come home to roost, has made it into and through my various bodies and into full embodiment. Sometimes there is a kinesthetic click when a piece fits into place. Sometimes the waveforms lift us until we find the sweet spot that is our true journey, our next step.

This is what we can open to, ask for, and become. “What is the next step?” What are today’s steps? Thank you, Source, that I am always shown, guided, and sustained, no matter what. At this time, within Gaia’s realm, all personal “W.H.” questions have become largely irrelevant. Did you ever notice that in the word “how” the ‘w’ has been moved to the end of the line? In who, where, what and why, that ‘w’ takes pride of place. Most of the time, so does our egoic identity, when we ask as such. And, insidiously enough, in ‘how’ we fail to realize we have just asked ‘who’ inside out. “How do I do this?” is actually the question, “Who am I?” {today}

Independent weather observers have noted that the current, or expected, depending on your part of the Northern Hemisphere, , ‘historic winter storm’ is shifting daily, in intensity, and by degree. The NAM, {North American Model}, the GPS {Global Positioning System - see NASA} and the European models of forecasting always differ. They paint varying pictures and different shifts. So do each of us.

Last night, as the ‘historic winter storm’ came upon us, the power went out for the entire area. First it wobbled. Then it went. I watched my body react a bit like a little girl, “Wow! Exciting!” And, then I went n search of candles, only to realize I could simply sit still, as requested to do by Source, and read on my fully charged iPad. Fully charged. Interesting concept, isn’t it? Interesting, especially when one considers forces other than electrical ones.

The neighborhood collective consciousness slammed into high gear. Oh no! Of course the power goes out at hte beginning of the worst cold snap ever! “People have been shooting up power stations,” this was bound to happen! Shooting up power stations? How does one fit a power station into a syringe exactly? Oh, right. The fear. It rose up, in the neighborhood and then, in my world at least, it ceased to exist. This is what is possible! Power was restored about an hour later, just in time for us to be able to watch the snow.

The winds were, indeed, high. The temperatures did, indeed, drop forty degrees within an hour’s time and continue to descend. Cool! Literally. Nature’s power is awesome. And, yes, it is very very cold outdoors this morning. The skies are clear, the sun is doing its job, and the air… has rarely been so still. What an efficient clean-up job! Well done, Mother Nature.

There will, according to all forecast models, be more snow in the Great Lakes region than we have received here, or than anywhere else in this country… unless things have shifted again. We can bet they have, even a little. How might that not be possible? I have not looked, as yet. The snow stopped here, around 11 PM mountain time, last night. That is 2300h for some of you. Oh, and theses temperatures? The thermometer now stands at approximately -23.3 degrees Celsius. The windows are iced over around the edges. I am grateful for woollies and heat, indoors.

I remember these days from growing up. I loved the images that came through the ice crystals, paintings on the glass. Sometimes a non-physical being would leave a message, a little face or hand print, to remind me of their presence. When I lived in Crestone, much higher into these mountains, I loved to walk out early after a snowfall, to see the wind lifting ice crystals from the peaks and trees. It made my heart ache with love, remembering the high places of this world and their sacred vibrations.

Gaia is Holy. She is Sacred. so are you, regardless of how you have slipped into self-identification.

A Blessed Solstice Shift to One and All,




Full Moon, Solstice Gateway