The Tower & The Star ~ Guidance for When Things Fall Apart

The Tower stands for many things. A huge shift in perception is one. A beacon of steadfast inner authority is another. The essence of these qualities lies within each of us. The symbols we have unconsciously counted on and used to define our realities, each day, each moment, are being re-defined by the Universal Unknown. That feels shifty in all kinds of ways. There is good news {no, not that pamphlet}. And you are that.

As our illusions crumble, and the towers we’ve built with our egos are struck by lightning, there are more interesting options than anyone’s party line. What we choose determines our emerging world. How to do that? If you don’t know by now, you’ll learn, and quickly. As your local edge-runner, I can report this edge is edgy, and terrific fun, especially when you can look past any image you think you already understand. They are all illusions. All. No exceptions.

What if your tower fell apart around you and its crumbling threatened your very existence? Would you crumble with it? Go down with the ship? Fall into the abyss? Or, would you stand, in a way entirely new and uniquely your own?

Where is your Star? How do you stand, when stand you must? Neither for nor against, but AS? We are finding out. This is the edge we run. {I’ll get back to you on the barefoot thing.}

There was a time when I researched the morphogenetic fields of “Mary.” Said research fell under the auspices of processing the archetypes associated with my given name. So much of our imprinting is unconscious, it helps to know what energies are held in default and how to release their power. At least I’ve found that to be true. So, I read and I researched, and I processed anything that remotely reared its little head to trigger me in any way at all. I’m not expecting any of you to ride those roads right now. In truth, I don’t expect anything at all anymore. But that’s another topic. It was worth it, for me.

One of the traditional interpretations of the “Mary” archetype is that the name began as a title of inner authority and leadership. I was okay with that, as you might imagine. My ego got a little involved. Such is the processing adventure. {big grins, heavy sigh} Part of that mantle, and its interpretation, was that a Mary was also known as a Tower. Think “tower of strength” and you’re close to the mark. So I sat with that.

A Tower, hmm. An edifice that everyone for miles around can focus on, project upon, lightning can strike, and that grounds energy for… all that. I was already backing up. What had I taken on? No wonder my first Teacher told my parents, “Don’t do that to her.” I didn’t choose my birth name, but as I looked honestly at the patterns in my field, as I once wrote, recently, “I have always been a Mary.” Terrific. What was the big deal about that? Time for a change. Archetypal release and re-alignment, 101. See? Processing can be fun. {Never lose your sense of humor, especially about yourself.}

Do Towers grow? Babbel had problems with that. Too much weight and confusion trying to reach heaven. Not the wisest strategy. And, so, it fell. It wasn’t a punishment, more like an ignorant choice.

The tarot reveals the Tower card as the egoic edifice being struck by lightning, its inhabitants falling into the abyss, and the Fool having to take a leap of faith to escape. A leap into the Unknown, into Grace. Yep. Awakening 101.

So what do the Tower and the Star have in common, and why does that matter right now? These archetypes hold the lightning strike that illuminates an entirely new path into undiscovered ways of being.

Starseeds are the ‘phone home’ bunch. We all seek to illumine, open, seed, and travel our paths to the stars, from whatever circumstances, wherever we’ve landed. It’s what we are. We may take a few detours, and have some adventures along the way, but, by and large, we’re all about “E.T. phone home.” And that’s only because we’ve forgotten that we are home. Right here, in our bodies. That’s the good news.

Exiting the body isn’t the best strategy right now. That will change, but not before certain wheels complete their turning. When an Age ends, there are completions involved. You’ll want to go through those transits fully embodied. Source light head to toe, hook, line, and fewer stinkers. The more of your integrated light you can embody at this time, the better. What illuminates, expands. Does a Star grow? YES.

The Star is the guidance we each have within us. It is what we need, to be what we are here to be. It is the illuminating thread that feeds our interconnectivity within Oneness. And, it GROWS. We integrate and we expand. {generally in that order}

The home that you are, GROWS. It can fill you up entirely. It does, in fact, even when you surround yourself with Tower-like projections. Bit weighty, that. Might want to re-calibrate. This kind of weight is not lost in the kitchen.

The guidance we embody is what we need the most. What is your body holding? And why not let its Source Essence decide what comes next? Your preferences have been duly noted. For lifetimes. Time to let go and BE HOME.

Love you!


Who We Really Are


Secrets, Lies & A Crisis of Perception