Who We Really Are
I had to answer ‘the human question’ from my father, recently. He said, “When people ask about what my kids do, I never know what to say about you.” He and me, both. He was trying to be carefully respectful, as I’m not beyond busting his aging ass on occasion, in the nicest possible way, of course. He then asked, “What do you tell people you do?” I laughed and told him that has been an ongoing tussle with dissolving ego, with conditioned fear of what the world might think, and other flying bits of debris. I used other words, of course. But, the gist of it is that I have no clue. I am an emanation of Source, and this Essence is what it is and does what it does. I know he meant, “what do you do in the world?” And, in the world, that means, “How do I describe your worth, your value? How do I give people a meaningful label for you? How do I help them feel comfortable?” He meant the question in the nicest possible way, of course.
First, I agreed that, yes, I am an author. I added ‘blogger’ to the mix, then hesitated on the whole spiritual teacher thing. I found it unfair to expect him to use that expression, given where he lives and how. Would the guys on the putting green understand? Who knows? They might. And…maybe not so much.
So, given that I was wide awake in the wee hours anyway, I texted him again with, “Author, yes. Blogger. Semi-retired counselor. Former IT consultant.” There are other labels that have been accurate from time to time throughout the incarnation, but I felt this might suffice. The semi-retired thing was brilliant, I thought. His generation will certainly relate. Don’t you love it when source pinch hits in your favor?
I haven’t heard back from him. Not surprising. Mostly because I can feel/see the ‘wood burning’ as Mum used to say. He wonders if it is better and more appropriate and respectful for him to use the spiritual teacher moniker, or to go with the revision. I’ve wondered the same. It is kind of amusing to observe. I probably won’t use the term anymore, because I’ve finally made my peace with it and can move on. That was a ‘first template’ gig, after all. I’ve finished that part of what I came here to accomplish.
So, here’s what I’m wondering…
Who are you really? What are you pretending to be? Why?
We all have our pat answers to those questions. So, here’s another, better one. Are you unconditionally in love with the love that you are? This is one of the toughest phases of enlightenment, so no worries if you can’t just go there. But, are you?
Try this. Rest in the love that you are. Let it show you the hows and wherefores. Thinking won’t get you there. Observe this state of being through the perceptions of your heart. Choose to be in love with the love that you are. Or, choose your own words. It works best if it comes from your truest emanation of Source.
I can report there is no level of ecstasy quite like it. Deep. Quiet. Cozy. Love. An enlightened friend described it to me as the feeling of, “Where have you been all my life?” meaning oneself. For me, it’s more of a recognition, “Oh there you are…and the feeling of total immersion in THAT.” Being in love… with my awareness, and awareness itself, with my body and all bodies, with life and all that its nature expresses. Even the human thing gets quiet, compassionate acceptance, in this state of being. This morning, Amelia-kitty and I rested together, immersed in this bliss. It needs no words, no behaviors. It requires nothing other than to BE.
So, what are you pretending to be, besides the love that you are? Are you ready to stop pretending? Things will still get done, though in other ways than you might have imagined. “Oh, but that doesn’t sound interesting, or fun.” Ah. So you’re still enmeshed in, and perhaps a little addicted to, the game. Fair enough. Enjoy!
Or is it the imagined mission you feel you still serve? Sit with that one a bit. We all have had two templates for this incarnation. No exceptions. The first, well, you know all about it. You’ve lived it. The second? It’s what was going to happen when you found yourself complete with the first. Some never do. You’re not one of those. The second template… is…unscripted. YOU. WRITE. THE. STORY. Most write what they perceive as the upgrade of the first. There are some real hoots happening! Just look around. Ridiculosity on every steroid there is.
You can rest in the love that you are…and let it navigate. This will mean your mind has to take more than a backseat. It has to relax into what is functionally supportive of your Source Essence. Every moment. All the time. It can be inconvenient. It can fly in the face of what you want others to see, as you become the heart portal. We become the Heart Portal! For ourselves. And just when I was thinking of taking GoddessPortalSupport down, too. Ha!
So many of us have written that, as you become enlightened, and move into Empowered Embodiment, you DO lose your mind… just not in the way you fear. Those fears will try to co-opt the process. It’s what they were set in place to do. Just say “No!”
Let yourself steep in Real Love. The Invincible Force of Creation. Let it take charge. You won’t be sad or sorry. You’ll be YOU. The YOU you planned for, all those ages ago when you opted into this lifetime. Talk about a golden ticket!
Congratulations! You’ve done what you came in to do. Time to BE. Are you in love with the love that you are? You’ll see. It won’t light your way. You will become your way.
Much love to each and all,