Incarnation Mechanics for Starstreams
During this latest transit, I have been immersed in the planes and fractals of coming to be. Deep mechanics fascinate me, especially those of cosmic flow and our participation therein. So here it is. Are you the field or the fabricated fracture?
Alignment is About Receiving
Today is an alignment day. Why? Part of it is that Venus and Pluto are in opposition and where we have felt unloved is being dredged. Is this only about the astrology? Of course not. Gaia, and our cellular structures, are in transition, and Gaia’s celestial family shows up to assist.
New Moon Day 5-7-24
The new moon in Cancer forms at 16:58 {4:58 PM} mountain time today, which is, of course, tonight or tomorrow for many of you. Last night’s dark moon was full of surprises. As the focus of life is on new beginnings, it was fascinating to feel that a large part of what was being composted and re-set was what author Barbara Hand Clow calls “Catastraphobia.”
The Threshing Crucible
I honestly cannot call Solstice Week, this past week, or the one coming up, any kind of “floor” because all Foundations have changed.
Guarded, Protected, Honored?
To what do our allies, oaths, and allegiances, our most treasured belief systems, allow us to open? How are our paths protected? And, how, as all things change, can we navigate with honor?
Dragon Tides
There is so much happening just now that I delayed the blog for this week to see if any kind of priority in seeing would show up. What has shown up are a series of upsets in the lives of others that have illustrated two things: how blessed I am to have had the training I have had, and how easy it is right now for the worst fears everyone is walking to overwhelm even a seasoned consciousness.
When Mastery Matters
“As they believe so it is for them… “ A quote from too many traditions to cite herein.
What do you believe? Or, perhaps, let yourself shift into another level of perception. What wells up from within?
What does your embodied configuration of light waves indicate at this time?
Worlds Without End…
Can a world end? Or only an experience in particular?
Thursday last held a full moon, great tides, and many emerging currents in and between the worlds. The tides of the worlds Gaia hosts coalesced into an explosion of multiple realities. The wheel of the year extrapolated itself into toroidal forms, worlds within worlds, whose byways are accessible only to those who walk between.
The Tide Won’t Wait
How often have sea folk heard that phrase? It applies to the Infinite seas as well as to those of our physical world, those from which we gather fish or those we travel upon.
What Was ‘Known’ After All?
When we ‘know’ what we want, Source always delivers some version of it to us. This algorithm has zero exceptions. If you still harbor longings for some imagined manifestation of perfection, you might consider this.
First We Dream
I woke early from a curiously disturbing dream. I was lucid within this dream, wherein lay the ‘curious.’ I was trying to exit a city I knew quite well and couldn’t find the way out because everywhere I turned, everything was under construction.
Shaken Back Together
What was normal? It was one of those moments when you look at a word, and it no longer looks like anything recognizable, let alone a ‘word.’
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