What we do as Love
Famous lyrics from A Chorus Line run, “What I did for love… Gone. Yesterday is gone...” That strand of energy pulls at the heart and can bring up tears of sadness, longing, and, essentially, remembrance. Let yourself re-member what is essential within you.
Glimmers in the Fog
Our most glorious, beneficent possibilities are not ‘out there’ somewhere but birthing from within.
Stirred Happens When We Are Shaken From Within
Great shaking, when we let it toss us inward, reflects what most needs to shift, change, be re-purposed, and morph entirely.
Universal Reset
A cauldron of transformational alchemy is manifesting between the Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 16/17th, and the New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse on 2nd October. This two-week period is a pause, a reset, of tremendous proportions.
Star Seeding & the ‘Mission’ Change
Whether we have recognized the config file with which we entered this incarnation, or have made assumptions about ourselves based on life lessons and experience, all such identifications arer morphing in place.
Dealing With Fear Aggression
Weird topic for me, yes? What is stored in our bodies is coming up all over the place. It is best to be forewarned.
Shaken, Waiting to be Stirred
We are here. See above image. What if we are first shaken before we can be stirred? We cannot think, believe, or behave in the old ways...So, let’s get down to ‘NOW,’ shall we?
Sacred Space ~ Safe Space
It may well be that eons have passed, during which humanity has been taught that sacred space is safe space. In terms of Universal Wisdom, this is true.
What is Blowing Up?
Threads of victim bonding. Victim bonding through the ‘misery loves company’ algorithm, where our patterns put us in the victim seat and tell us this makes us more palatable to humanity, and the habits of behavior those patterns unconsciously create through an inner drip system.
Unrecognizable Identity
What is that fixed object that causes ripples, and upon which the waves break? Could it be an obsolete sense of self, a forgotten or discarded image?
In a Sara Connor Moment?
No matter what our outside circumstances may be delivering, no matter how exhausted our bodies may feel, the way out, just now, is through. There is peace, harmony, and joy in every moment, if we can be still enough, let go enough, to let it find and carry our experience.
Bookends, Milestones, and Other Trail Markers
Every adventure centers and thrives around the excavation of hidden treasures. All true markers are planted accordingly.
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