Clear Choices
I can’t count how many hours I spent standing in various aisles in various building stores in France, waiting for someone to make choices about what was needed to support the life they were building. It’s amusing to observe it now, from that perspective. I did ask, one night as I stood guard next to a shelf full of just-enough siding, why on Earth I was there. It wasn’t the usual query, “why have you put me here, Source? What is there for me to see?” but more of a WTF moment. There were many of those. Many stores, many decisions with regard to lumber, insulation, flooring, tile, glass, built-ins, and infinite variations on the theme of light fixtures. Mère de Dieu!! Let there be light, already!
The Road Home
As the saying goes, “be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary, some in the wrong direction.” As we move through our incarnations, like roles in various stage plays, we learn cleverness and adaptability in the form of shape-shifting and camouflage. We may not be aware that we are cultivating these skills, but our inner being knows. We are like the clever fox, protecting our ‘home,’ guarding it lifetime to lifetime from those aspects of ourselves that wish to keep us from it. We may have disguised our true natures from ourselves, but deep within, we know our way.
New Beginnings…Beginner’s Mind…& Starting Fresh
How does a fresh start look and feel? What is optimal? Your Source Essence knows for sure.
Beginning Again
When we think of beginning again, we typically think of starting over. The feeling of again takes precedence over the reality of beginning. In the movement arts, for example, we return to our original mark and repeat a specific sequence with a refreshed level of intensity, and/or with the intention of adding vigor, flavor, or whatever else was perceived to be missing from the last attempt. We strive to perfect something we have done before. This is the definition of practice. Practice tends to have goals that, no matter how fluidly we think we hold them, are “an ever-fixed mark”* we strive to hold once attained.
Looking at 2022
When cosmic energies start moving forward in February you’ll see as well. Our lives will continue to re-birth according to focused intent. Every future timeline is contained in, and predicated on, how we vibrate in the present. Any present. Meaning, things can change. They are. They will do. We will move through many manifestations this year. We have. We are. The seeds are sown. What will we feed, water, and harvest? What will 11 months from now call forth from within us?
I’m not a huge proponent of chats with a ‘future self.’ Which future? What timeline? What about the infinite tracks and trajectories available? Those conversations could take way too much airtime. Here is something else you can use. Your galactic positioning system.
The word makes us groan until we truly ‘get it.’ First, we move through the difference between reacting, reactivity, and the idea-form that responsibility means “able to respond.” Progress, but not quite home.
A Medium colleague of mine posted this on Responsibility this week. It is an excellent essay on the subject, and we can go deeper.
Source would posit this: “To what/who are you truly responsible?”
Try not to answer off the cuff. No clichés, if you please.
Note your answer(s). Then, ask all various parts of yourself to chime in with what those answers mean.
The layers of meaning we have assigned and ascribed to all things are peeling away, shedding, and dissolving. Why? New cycle. The old life dies away. We can let it fall, turn to ash, and compost like autumn leaves, or we can enmesh and entangle ourselves in its demise. We do what we feel responsible for doing. What can you now release for which you have held yourself liable?
Chrysalis to Corona ~ The morphing of Presence
What happens when wings dry, spirit roars, and life begins anew? How we move changes. What we ingest shifts {and not according to anyone’s rules}. It is glorious and worth enjoying. And, what deepens when that life becomes something more?
One way of describing the journey of Becoming Oneness and embodying light is to use the analogy of the caterpillar and the butterfly. The caterpillar surrenders its old life, into itself, and something else emerges. Then, depending on trajectory, the butterfly transforms into an eagle, or perhaps a Phoenix. Perhaps it begins to embody more galactic essence. How does this happen, and is there a right path?
Ascension means many things to many people. Inner transformation is many things to many beings. We none of us know for sure. And yet, the wisdom of our Source Essence is infallible.
You Won't Be "You"
When I was little, all I wanted to do was to sing to Spirit, to celebrate the light. I was fortunate, in that my heart’s yearnings were understood…and perhaps not so fortunate in that I was taught to hide them. Those impulses mattered, more than anything else, and yet they were supposed to remain hidden. “We don’t talk to people out there about these things.” Wise words, actually, despite the patterns they set in motion.
Wouldn’t it be incredible to live in a world where we could simply BE and relate honestly from that being? We remember those worlds, you and I. Not all worlds are like this one. Lest we forget.
I remember having an absolute sense of ‘self.’ Self as Source Essence. So do you, if you’re honest, if you go deep enough. And, it had nothing to do with the world around you. You brought your essence here, to learn, to seed that love, and to integrate more and more Oneness.
A Return of Childlike Wonder
Some of you have kept yours alive, all this time. Others have had it put through the wringer a bit. Well, haven’t we all? It is partly our nuggets of internal innocence who feel restless and rebellious at this time. Eris {dwarf planet} is assisting us with this transit. I love Pam Gregory’s description of her as a “street fighter for truth.” Such needed, long-awaited, truly welcomed, feistiness.
When the truth is pushed down, it acts as any inflatable pushed underwater. Sooner or later, when it works its way free of the sublimating pressure, the truth bursts toward the surface, free once more. Such is this transit. It will not be short, in linear Earth time. It will not be pretty. What it is, is spectacular!
Deep Solstice Blessings
Here it comes! The Solstice is almost upon us. What have we not yet relinquished? What heaviness has not dropped away from our inner light? What will allow us to flow with our own inner currents? This is what will support us and bless our newly awakening lives.
Of the dying patriarchy, I can remark that it is grasping, manipulating, and holding on with tooth and claw. When we do not let it dissolve, as it must, there is a reason. We are somehow tethered, usually addicted. And, this is almost always unconscious, {at least at this point}.
A Deep Wave of Heartening
What Does Beauty Feel Like, to You?
Justice ~ Hope ~ & ~ Courage
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