What Towers Have Come Down?
With the full moon fresh on our heels, and while we are in its waning window, let’s take a look at what has dissolved. What has come apart for you, personally, and what has been blown apart before your eyes? Self-image is a dicey thing, at best. What if this passage of a lunar year leads to somewhere so new, so unknown, so entirely unscripted, that you will look into life’s mirrors and see… nothing? Or, perhaps, they might reflect something you might never have expected to see…about yourself.
Imbolc and a Sapphire Moon
Today, we celebrate astrological Imbolc, the cross quarter between the Solstice in December and the Equinox in March where the Sun makes an alignment at 15 degrees of Aquarius. Imbolc means “in the belly of the Mother” because the seeds of Spring are beginning to stir. We welcome Brighid into our homes and llives with our inner fire, mirroring triple flame She nurtures. Imbolc is a quickening. Its opening into the heart of the Great Mother fans new flames of inspiration, love and joy.
A New Lunar Year
A passage of pervasive insistence has found us. Have you ever watched a rivulet topple a stone? As a child I spent hours in the creek at the bottom of our hill. In late summer certain bends held only a centimeter or two of running water, slipping over the shale bottom like light on velvet. When a rock fell into this flow, or was tossed there by less respectful wanderers, it took the waters a day or so to quietly move the obstacle parting their flow.
Integrating the Pearl
The full moon of 6th January downloaded a pearl of ferocious gentleness, of courageous and sustainable frequencies of being. It is a new foundational construct, a space within which any of us who so choose can safely dream new dreams.
Each Step is Your Own
Each step on our journey is made by one pair of feet and one pair only, our own. We came here to learn the truth of this. And, now that the entire reality construct we have known is being replaced, we will learn to walk and climb and dance and journey, anew.
Doing What You Have To Do ~
Is it about choice? Most things seem to be. Emphasis on the ‘seemingly apparent’ qualities of life and living. Is what you truly are, reflected in what seems to be? Only you can answer.
The present moment is all that is real in terms of your experience. We’ve all heard this a bazillion times, yes? And, we know that part of what makes this perspective challenging is that life on this world distracts and distorts everything into an alleged linear reality. What if the ultimate challenge is to experience each moment of life with/as our full Presence, and to engage with only what lifts our hearts? We’ve heard that before as well, right?
Let’s shift our lens of perception just for NOW. Right. Now. Try this and observe what happens in your bodies and your field.
Solstice Shifting
We are still in the Solstice window and will be so for the next several days. I felt it mounting, as I am sure, did you, ramping up to the transmission that Source offered through me. I then had to lie down and be still for the rest of that day, spending most of that time in meditation {shift integration}. I can report to feeling well and truly toasted, and it’s -5 degrees F according to the front porch thermometer, which means that a few paces beyond, it is likely ten degrees colder! Did you know that altitude plus cold temperatures produces an electromagnetic effect that accelerates consciousness? I’ll bet the Tibetans know that… For me, it makes a lot of things make sense.
I suppose that is my epitaph for 2022: “A lot of things finally made sense.”
Full Moon, Solstice Gateway
Happy full moon! What a glorious moon-set the past two mornings! Due West, and as bright as the coming day, I watched her luminous orb drop gently through pink glowing clouds and stark treetops to then disappear behind the continental divide. She looked too close to be slipping behind those snow-capped mountaintops, but soon her silver light was replaced by golden rosy glow as the sunrise kissed the peaks. That radiance does not happen with every dawn, but lends its precious gifts to auspicious alignments.
Pearls Within Pivots
Often found within synchronicities, pearls developed within our Source Essence do so not only through the friction of life’s happenings but through our synch points within the Oneness. What is such a synch point? These points of connectivity, like the points of light in the Flower of Life, form through resonance with what we love.
Remember the Basics
No matter how long ago your learned your abc’s, they do not lose their value.
A) Are you meditating?
Before you groan or roll your eyes, remember that meditation is taking even only a few minutes to be in stillness within. Listen to the Source within you that lets you know whether how you are meditating or what you focus on, is appropriate for you.
It’s All About Navigation
What currents carry you?
Our bodies were first carried within the currents of our birth waters. Until we were able to function in the world on our own, they were carried within a family unit, that may or may not have been the support we needed. Within those first carrying currents, our bodies learned their navigation skills. Those skills proceed from a baseline set of parameters held in the brainstem. The code looks like this: “this is good for and ensures bodily survival, this does not.” It is an over-simplified either-or algorithm that must change as we evolve and awaken.
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