A Twelve-Day Window
Twelve days till the Solstice. Can you feel its all-pervasive wave? What can be used as a reference point when all things change simultaneously?
It’s time to rely on our Essence alone.

Full Cellular Conversion
What happens when a new experience of physicality emerges through an existing body? Gaia knows. It has happened to her. I know. it is happening to me. And, this same morph is occurring for you. I can report that a total morph from the inside out is a weirdly wondrous experience, perhaps only to be found on this world. On worlds where shapeshifting is not only known but common, the experience of morphing into and from the light body can be taken for granted. Is that beginning to happen here, or is this passage only crazy-making?

“This Permeates Everything”
See all those little darker bits? Are they ‘darker,’ or do they have greater material density? Is there an either/or that can be realistically applied? Do you feel the light behind the image? Behind all images? ALL of our mirrors are surfacing as part of Gaia’s current phase of completion. These mirrors are not only showing up as random reflections but are marching through each facet of awareness we might possess.

Preparing for the Solstice
New realms have entered us. Are we ready to enter there? Reside there? Change has arrived, ready or not.
2023 has been a more profoundly transformative year than many of us might yet realize. We can bank on those changes if we are prepared to allow our inner shifts to manifest physically. For many of us, those manifestations might be joyous beyond belief. Are we ready?

Hidden Patterns Revealed
Here it is, the first week of November, and Samhain is fast upon us. Thinned veils have disappeared, and some that are long gone have reasserted themselves to flag us in appropriate directions. What lines of light now guide us?

The Enjoyment of Life
It’s about the simple things. Good walks. Tea and toast. Four-legged cuddles. A good book. A good book and four-legged cuddles. Sunlight through the leaves of a favorite tree. Moonrise over the mountains. Pink sunrise over the Continental Divide. Things that glow and make us so.

Starstream Dream
Yesterday was the oddest day. Neither bad nor good, not ugly or snuggly, the day was just a day. My body was assimilating something. One could say that the almost non-existent veils paled enough to be clearly seen. My vision showed me fractures in every direction. The fine lines of exquisite geometric patterns laced the world through and around me. When closely observed, each vanished into the whole. Waveforms only, I supposed. “This, too, shall pass” tends to be my motto with visual phenomena.

Blessings from the Blender
Many traditions speak of vortexes, of power spots, of the swirling hurricane of Grace that surrounds each and every one of us. Its Presence may seem more like a horror-cane at the moment, but that is so we will truly remember that what manifests outside of us, in our {mostly immediate} environments and lives, has already manifested within us. Please listen to what your life is offering at this time. All things are transitory, yes. This too shall pass, yes. It is time to integrate the wisdom and let go all forms our lessons have taken. Yes. Easy to say, perhaps, but we are now in the manifestation of our re-emergence. What will we choose?

Our Deepest Dark
~ Is birthing light. Duality has burst its seams, and our multi-dimensional natures are upon us.
It is not best to rise above the fray but to rest deeply within the supporting currents of these tides.

Surfing Sans Self
There is yet another lunation tomorrow. This is not a case of “here we go again” nor of “what’s next?” I find myself lost in this image, dissolving into the majesty of a freshly illumined life. What clarity there may be comes from the depths of what might be. I am content to rest and reset within these silent waves of wonder.

Equinox Adventures
What was happening? The fluorite piece she had put about her neck shattered into a million pieces, yet there it shone. Inner sight showed the brilliant seams and threadlike cracks. The mirror showed nothing of the kind. Grasping the stone in her palm, she could feel the schisms. Why had it not fallen to pieces? Why did it appear whole and sound?

Becoming ONE
This morning’s contemplation drifted around wisdom teaching and what that might be as all things become new, and around the burgeoning plethora of mystical teachers, experiences, and all sorts, available. The phrase, and perhaps the practice of “Wisdom Teaching” is, at best, an oxymoron anyway. It seems that the ‘truth’ that all things in Earth School are our teachers is literally coming to light, furthered by social media.
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