New Month, New Energies
What have we, consciously or unconsciously, built a world around? What is leaving will be a bit of both. Our lifestyle bubbles, cocoons, chrysalides, luminous eggs, orbs of light, or whatever image we might prefer, have been altered.

A Pure Flow of Integrity
What if no directional orientation existed? What if ‘forward’ no longer applied to any timeline, track, or trajectory? No matter how much we may have invested in an identity of any kind, no matter how precious we have held that sense of self to be, it purifies into absorption. This happens, over and over, as we awaken, as it must.

Being One-Self
Being One-Self is not necessarily about being a singularity in particular. It is about letting the layers of survival programming and conditioned responsiveness fall away. What remains and continues is circuitry directly connected and one with our Essence

“Scottish Falafel and English Muffin Tea”
What happens when a case of nerves meets a conflagration of family colors? Servers can become confused, it seems.

A Dance of Shadows
It is a morning of no shadows. In the US, today is Groundhog Day. In this Pennsylvania-Dutch tradition, if a woodchuck emerges from its winter burrow and sees its shadow, it beats a hasty retreat underground. This is said to be a portent of another six weeks of winter. If, however, the woodchuck does not see a shadow, it may begin to forage a bit, heralding an early Spring. It is also said, by some, that on such a day one’s life can change dramatically. Mythology for a cold grey morning.

Light Body Multi-tasking
Are you able to feel how and when your essence is being utilized as the Source that you are? When celestial bodies use or infuse you, are you aware? This kind of awareness will be more and more cultivated within each of us during the coming year.

Let’s Talk Trust…and Stuff We Don’t Want to Own…
She looks peaceful, blissed out, just who and what and perhaps where we want to be, right? But what about the sharks?

Feeling a Little ‘Swimmy?’
The new moon formed yesterday in the sign of Capricorn. This is a zodiac sign of inner and outer practicalities. It can help to utilize the window of the day before through the day after to pay attention to feelings. Our daystar, the Sun, is about 400 times the size of the satellite we call the Moon. A useful analogy is that the Sun represents our identity, the Moon our true feelings. Feelings are rarely synonymous with emotions. Most bipeds have been badly educated in this area.

A New Page Awaits
Writers talk about writer’s block. They compare notes about what it takes to set free the flow, to let the Muse catch up, or to catch up with her, or to open the right set of ears to listen. Such thoughts turn a blank page into a scary thing, a territory that must be conquered. What if this undiscovered country was waiting for us to listen? What if our ears could learn to hear?

Out of Chaos
In Greek mythology, Chaos was the first Goddess to emerge at the dawn of creation. Her swirling ethers gave birth to all other essences. The word khaos means "gap" or "chasm" being the space between heaven and earth.

Deep Silence
The reset pause is underway. All of our ways, to be precise. Chi Gong was effortless as dawn crept slowly closer. Predawn and sunrise hold their own breathless pause in the mountains. One can easily imagine the sun riding high in the East, as the Western peaks are graced with a cascade of pastels and gold gleams upon their peaks.

Walking a New Way
We are in the Solstice window. Can you feel it pulling the bits of you through that are fully signed up and ready to go? What is happening to the rest is a bit like being dragged through their worst fears backward. Those bits can surrender into their Source essence and let it carry them through the briar patch, over it, around, or in an entirely different direction altogether.
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