What We Deny, When We Need it Most
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

What We Deny, When We Need it Most

SHE’s been playing with this title for a couple of days now. One version was The Optimal Surfing of Stillness. We’ll get there. But, first, in this window of Everyone’s Every Kind of Karma Up in Our Face, it’s good to take a breath or three and Calm. Down.

What we need most is what we most often deny ourselves. Why? We set things up that way to learn about what we are from attempting to be what we’re not.

All self-denial is birthed from our original imprint {original separation from Source} carried through in our causal bodies {the structures that come with us from incarnation to incarnation} and re-interpreted into every incarnation as some kind of separation fear/anxiety, which then turns into pathological denial and acting out. When we choose a Source-driven life or Enlightenment, in rare cases, the next steps are the dismantling of all that jazz and releasing ourselves into the Oneness, from which we will be called forth in our true natures. The mechanisms we’ve used to manifest this design are extraordinary in their complexities… and quite simple at their root. One root. One cause. That of feeling separate from Source. An impossibility we’ve chosen to manifest. And you thought pushing a boulder uphill was a challenge!

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