Joy, Trust, and Being Love
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Joy, Trust, and Being Love

What does it mean to Be Love, especially right now? That is a very human question. And, before you start beating yourself up again, let’s take a look.

Q: “What does it mean?”
A: The only meaning anything has is what we give it. We write our scripts. We decide. We make things matter.

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An Ocean on the  Move
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

An Ocean on the Move

As the latest Great Wave crested yesterday, at Bealtaine, it brought with it the entire sea of our current journey. Imagine a tsunami so large it draws into itself every sea on our world, every drop of rain, every particle of flow. This Wave shapes all before it.

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Almost Bealtaine ~ What Then?
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Almost Bealtaine ~ What Then?

Bealtaine represents, first and foremost, New Life and Re-Emerging Realities. Its celebration of light rolls through consciousness, washing clean old forms…if we let it be so.

Gaia is bathing in an acceleration of blue-white frequencies, a tsunami of Fierce Grace. Her cross-quarter opening allows for both inception and completion, a new beginning for us all.

We are multi-dimensional beings. We vibrate, both at a foundational frequency that some call dimensional, and at many frequencies all at once. Our essence contains a frequency bundle, and this bundle is shifting its poles, its axes, and its configuration.

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Let’s Talk Fierce Grace
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Let’s Talk Fierce Grace

Most of us are quite familiar with, not only the concept, but its manifestations in our lives. “Well, Kali really pulled the rug out with that one!” or “That was an all or nothing kind of shift!”

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The Wisdom of “I Don’t Know”
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

The Wisdom of “I Don’t Know”

Riding the Tipping Point. Between now and Bealtaine, we. are. tipping. It is a shift in perspective, perception, and frequency. The best way to plunge in and be carried through is with an open mind and a steadfast heart.

This is a rare refinement of reality. It is a tsunami of devotional possibility.

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The “Recovering Do-Er”
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

The “Recovering Do-Er”

I was introduced to this phrase a few days ago. What a great archetype to move through and transcend! For some, it takes a physical event or illness to stop the egoic do-er in its tracks. For others, the process is more gradual. As with most things, there is no ‘right way’ but only what is appropriate for each of us. And the trick of it is that our “do-er” self does not know what our right way might be. Its’ incessant efforts do not ‘find the way’ but get in the way. The mind will do almost anything to delude and distract us from this truth.

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To Walk With Game-Changing Feet
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

To Walk With Game-Changing Feet

What does it mean to take mystical steps with practical feet? Or, vice versa, taking practical steps with mystical feet? I do both, all the time. So do you, if you’re honest with yourself. Game-changing feet are those whose path creates itself beneath them.

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When you Raise Your Vibration
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

When you Raise Your Vibration

All that cannot live within that field must be released. Those energies have to go elsewhere. Set them free.

I probably don’t have to write another sentence to explain, but there is a tech to this tsunami of letting go flowing through us.

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Full Moon, Equinox, & Change
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Full Moon, Equinox, & Change

Oh my! It is a water tiger year, after all. The full moon, on the 18th at 9:33 AM MT in the US, shines its torch on the planetary situation, bringing the higher octaves of mystery with it. In music, octaves repeat from lower to higher, their pitch determined by vibratory frequency. As with music in our realm, so with the music of the spheres.

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Collaborating From the Heart
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Collaborating From the Heart

Snow covers the ground here, at present, but I look forward to the emergence of these lovelies. With well-rooted bulbs clustered together, they lift their golden hearts to the sun. In Whoville, the Grinch learned that nothing he could take from anyone was stronger than a committed circle, “heart to heart and hand to hand.” So say the daffodils.

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Pluto’s Purging Process
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Pluto’s Purging Process

We are all going through this purging process, particularly those in the US, and the American continents.

Today begins the cycle of the “Pluto return” for the U.S. Dwarf planet Pluto returns to its alignment when the country was formed. The strength of this alignment will wax and wane, building to a crescendo in October, then continue affecting us into next year.

This is a deep karmic dredging, activating all kinds of debris remaining in our fields. It is an opportunity to recognize what unconscious bits of us are still somehow, even tentatively, hooked into the human collective of violence, subjugation, dominance, and greed. The energies we dub as ‘masculine’ are being hardest ‘hit.’

Our dreams are filled with an odd montage of toxic masculinity and those of what is positive, that we may barely recognize for what they represent.

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What Lights the Way
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

What Lights the Way

This week, two of those I spoke to for 1:1 sessions had major breakthroughs. I did mention the timing was ripe. And those are only the ones I know about. For us all, the portal of this week, leading us toward the Equinox opening {which is MASSIVE}, has created huge shifts. Whether we notice, or how we notice, is, of course, up to us. If your mind insists ‘but everything seems the same…’ I know some lovely cheeses you could enjoy with that whine. They might be tough to obtain in your area, but one can always hope.

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