Flower Moon at Bealtaine
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Flower Moon at Bealtaine

Dew dries quickly this high. Her last chill droplets caressed my feet as I trod carefully, not to disturb the flow of awakening. Up as the sun rose, I thanked the day, the Earth, and her elements. Since I was a child, I have ever gloried in the sacredness of mornings. It is not Gaia who shifts her focus, but we, who re-orient to new life, and a new day.

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Approaching the Flower Moon
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Approaching the Flower Moon

We are now four moons in, in the passage of thirteen for the year 2023. Each has built in intensity. April’s Libra moon ushered in a tide of physical balancing for bodies, and our body-mind alignments, And, it has brought messages of how and where we are out of balance within ourselves.

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The Death Process
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

The Death Process

This has been coming up in sessions between the Equinox and the start of the Eclipse window. Deeply held parts of our egoic controller patterns are being pressured and purged, as we let in more light. Hint: The light will out. It needs our support, our honoring, and our love to thrive.

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Compromised Heart Energy
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Compromised Heart Energy

What is clearing? What is being replaced with wholeness? What am I DOING? And, most importantly, “What am I being?”

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Full Flowing Freedom
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Full Flowing Freedom

t is as though a gift of trust - truth - humility - freedom - gratitude and compassion expands through all hearts. The Jade essence of this window is specific in its receptivity to love. Some stones are more receptive than others. So are some ‘humans.’
Stones such as this gather different dimensions and frequencies of love from all they encounter. These strands of light coalesce in exquisitely varied ways. As fractals of Source, we tend to attract other things in other ways. Why not love? Why not the true essence of love that is the Oneness, that is the Essence of Life?

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Green Goddess Dressing
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Green Goddess Dressing

A tongue-in-cheek title, to be sure. Are you feeling the raised platform of Joy?
I heard a writer I respected once say, “I hate that word! Joy!” and I wondered why. I wondered what definitions and constructs, what concepts, rendered those three little letters into something sinister. I’m sure there was a point in that reference somewhere. I wondered if she had a problem with “ecstasy”? Perhaps it had to do with spiritual escapism, bypassing, and the ‘bliss bunny’ illusion. None of those have a place here, nor does the denigration of something so pure and simple.

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Psychic Integrity
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Psychic Integrity

Why this and why now? The subject came up in sessions this week. This is a reminder of how most humans spew their thoughts and feelings around and how you, as a responsible earthling, {oh yes you are if you have a physical body here at this time} can navigate the planet more responsibly.

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Listen and be Impulsed
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Listen and be Impulsed

In a passage like this one, we are called to use our deepest ears.
Source used to say, “Put your Hathor ears on.” This meant to let the antennae of inner awareness pay attention where it was due. It was an invitation to tune in to what is most essential. At the moment, the deepest currents hold the most crucial information. We are absorbing these new bits through our light coding and at the cellular level. Our bodies will comprehend the changes before our minds. This passage is designed so.

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Refinement is not Perfection
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Refinement is not Perfection

This month is an alignment in refining what moves us forward and letting go of everything else. Everything. Else.
The Virgo full moon brought a wave of refining energy with it, and we are now afloat in its wake. Like the finest of sandpapers, immersion in this wave hones the brilliance of our inner Essence. What falls away is no longer needed on our journey. This sloughing off, deep letting go, is the only way through this year’s passage. The. Only. Way. And, of course, we will each dance this dance in our own unique patterns.

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As the Orbs Follow On
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

As the Orbs Follow On

Welcome to March!
Immersed in chronicling the Thirteen Jewels, as I have been, I find time’s passage to be all too swift these days. The writer in me is dancing as deeply as she can, slowing into each immersion, yet speeding through time as the world knows it. Welcome to the month of March! Entering with qualities of both lion and lamb, its solar and lunar cycles are upon us. Lambs with claws? Hardly. We can leave that to the screaming goats of the world. This arrival is heralded by lions with fleecy mantles displaying their inner ferocity.

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Allowing Wholeness
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

Allowing Wholeness

What does allowing mean? Why is it important?
Any healer knows that whoever comes to them must first want to be healed. A good healer also knows that most people only want the pain to stop. They aren’t interested in eradicating the root cause of the issue at the level of its inception. If there are unconscious programs still running, a healer can ‘clear’ or ‘fix’ an issue over and over, or seem to, and the issue will simply reappear. Sometimes it takes a different form, sometimes the same form returns. This is the basis for what the medical profession calls remission. Some ‘diseases’ go into what is called remission, only to return. Why? Because the vibrational root, the frequency of the issue is still present.

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When Love Claims Her Own
Nalini MacNab Nalini MacNab

When Love Claims Her Own

We are in a passage of Sacred Love. If you find that idea off-putting, I freely admit that, many years ago, I might have as well. My reasons for choosing to mentally trash this concept, while attempting to bully my ego into submission, were as silly then, as yours are now.

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