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Some of you have heard Source use this phrase through me many times. How does it make you feel?
Welcome to the next stage in the old cycle dissolution journey! An ending always holds the inception of a beginning. Funny how what is falling apart is what grabs our attention.
So many I’ve spoken with recently mention wanting to “help people through this.” The truth, according to Source, and your personal instructions may say differently, is that ‘this’ is going to play out in every country in the way it is going to play out. What we, who are possibly more aware than most, can do is surrender into our inherent luminosity and let it lead.
There is an opportunity this year to circle every inner wagon you have ever owned, designed, built, or traveled upon and let Universal Wisdom implode the energy held in your stories into trajectories mapped for optimal evolution.
For the past few days, during the planetary alignment, {it continues for a few more} cosmic energies have been aligned to assist with purging deep feminine wounding from Gaia’s body.
Why don’t more people become fully awake and aware? Because they fear to “lose everything.” Having done so, and more than once, I can report that the process of what is perceived as total loss is not that, and is undefinably liberating.
What part of this image draws your focus? Maybe sit with what lies beneath. There is no possible potential for this jar to close.
What realities will we choose to inhabit? It’s time to discover new dreams.
As old identities fade, dissolve, or are stripped away, we can feel lost or alone. When the feelings our bodies have counted on for decades fall away, the patterns they once supported may try anything and everything to stay.
This morning I rose early to be with the exact alignment, then curled back up under the duvet to nap a bit longer. The sun had not yet risen when I got up and made tea. Blessing the day was amplified many times and filled my heart with quiet gratitude and joy as Gaia and I bonded at the start of a new journey.
…on the heels of a “Friday the 13th” experience. Unconscious expectations are interesting. So are death fears, projections and expectations of worst case or horrific experiences.
As I facilitate more Solstice Alignment sessions it is ever more clear that a phrase I was taught in childhood is always true. The phrase read, “Of myself I can do nothing. The Father doeth the work.” I would amend that, after 60+ years of experience at embodying universal light, to state, “Source is always the do-er.”
Whether your part of the world is approaching midwinter or high summer, allowing a period of deeper-than-ever introspection furthers.
Will I see only the clouds or the huge triangles of team-worked geese flying between them?
Will I notice the clear light behind the false?
Will I feel what inhabits me as I inhabit cosmic heart?
Amidst the turbulence, the divisiveness, the posturing, and the finger-pointing, something else is happening. Oh, not with those playing the aforementioned games. We need to let them play and stay out of the way. Yes, I mean it. Stay. Out. Of. The. Way.
What can I say about re-entry? It’s strange, weird even. One sees so-familiar things from an altered perspective. I like this new way of perceiving. I would like it to continue.
Today {tonight} is a full, super, Hunter’s moon, occurring in the sign of Aries, the sign of the warrior, and fiery new beginnings.
Famous lyrics from A Chorus Line run, “What I did for love… Gone. Yesterday is gone...” That strand of energy pulls at the heart and can bring up tears of sadness, longing, and, essentially, remembrance. Let yourself re-member what is essential within you.
Our most glorious, beneficent possibilities are not ‘out there’ somewhere but birthing from within.
Great shaking, when we let it toss us inward, reflects what most needs to shift, change, be re-purposed, and morph entirely.
A cauldron of transformational alchemy is manifesting between the Full Moon/Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 16/17th, and the New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse on 2nd October. This two-week period is a pause, a reset, of tremendous proportions.
Whether we have recognized the config file with which we entered this incarnation, or have made assumptions about ourselves based on life lessons and experience, all such identifications arer morphing in place.
Weird topic for me, yes? What is stored in our bodies is coming up all over the place. It is best to be forewarned.
We are here. See above image. What if we are first shaken before we can be stirred? We cannot think, believe, or behave in the old ways...So, let’s get down to ‘NOW,’ shall we?
It may well be that eons have passed, during which humanity has been taught that sacred space is safe space. In terms of Universal Wisdom, this is true.
Threads of victim bonding. Victim bonding through the ‘misery loves company’ algorithm, where our patterns put us in the victim seat and tell us this makes us more palatable to humanity, and the habits of behavior those patterns unconsciously create through an inner drip system.
What is that fixed object that causes ripples, and upon which the waves break? Could it be an obsolete sense of self, a forgotten or discarded image?
No matter what our outside circumstances may be delivering, no matter how exhausted our bodies may feel, the way out, just now, is through. There is peace, harmony, and joy in every moment, if we can be still enough, let go enough, to let it find and carry our experience.
Every adventure centers and thrives around the excavation of hidden treasures. All true markers are planted accordingly.
During this latest transit, I have been immersed in the planes and fractals of coming to be. Deep mechanics fascinate me, especially those of cosmic flow and our participation therein. So here it is. Are you the field or the fabricated fracture?